Chapter eleven - The Interview

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"Why would I say that?" Aizawa asked. "Huh?" I asked. "I'm married to a man," Aizawa said, pulling his right hand up to show off a yellow gem ring. How come I never seen that before. "I just came to help," Aizawa said, lowering his hand. "What?". "Look, ya'll boring, I need some excitement in my classroom" Aizawa explained. "And I don't mean the amusement of Jiro scaring the shit out of Present Mic," he said, pointing his forefinger at me. Oh, so that's what Jiro does before lunch. "So do you have a plan?" He asked. I told him my plan and he took in every detail I gave on how I hoped the situation would go. "That's actually a great idea, there's no way he'll say no" Aizawa said, then the bell rang. "Alright, that was a nice chat," he said, opening the classroom door and walking through. I walked back in and got my stuff.

~time skip to the interview, brought to you by Kawaii~Chan ships and my lazy ass~

All of class 1-A sat in chairs as we were brought, one by one, to the interview room to tell everyone live why we want to become a hero. It was Izuku's turn. "Wish me luck," he said to me as he went into the room. I haven't told Izuku how I liked him, not yet, I just need a little more time. Thankfully Momo decided to just accept I wasn't going to date her and even apologized for what she said about it. I was thankful and forgave her and so did Izuku. Everyone in class 1-A backed down from trying to date Izuku, people like Uraraka. I was thankful for that too. Everyone in our class believes in us, believes in me. Believe that we can be together. And after I told everyone what I had in plan on telling Izuku, they all agreed that it was a pretty good idea. "Shoto Todoroki, you're up" the lady yelled out as Izuku left the room. I got up from my chair and walked into the interview room. There was a bright orange wall color with a matching brown carpet, a table that seemed to be oak, and two chairs across from each other. I sat down in the chair that was opened, the one furthest from the door. The interview lady was a blonde woman with orange eyes, a red dress with a red jacket over it, and red lipstick. "So Todoroki, why do you want to be a hero?" She asked as the camera's red light flashed, saying it was recording. "It wasn't really my decision to become a hero" I began. The lady nodded her head, telling me to continue. "I even thought about quitting," I said, looking to the side for a split second. She nodded her head again, her fingers have a grasp on her chin. "But someone kept me going" I continued. She smiled and continued to nod. "That someone is known as Deku," I said. She seemed surprised and stopped nodding. "He seemed to convince me on how being a hero is great" I explained. "He convinced me to use something I always feared, my fireside of my quirk" I continued explaining. The lady smiled again, but more of a sad but loving smile. "I want to continue to be a hero, to be there for my 'friend' Deku" I finished. I said "friend" in a rude way. Like I didn't want to be his friend. I don't. I want to be his boyfriend. "That's so sweet," she said, placing her fingertips on her chest. I looked to the floor. I smiled just slightly. "Okay you can go," she said, pointing towards the door.

"Do you want to watch the interview?" Izuku asked when we got back to the dorms. Everyone agreed. Oh shit, everyone is going to hear what I said about Izuku. We went through each and every one. Kirishima explaining how he wants to help people, Mina saying she loves the costumes, and Tokoyami explaining how he wanted to be a bit different from bright heroes. Then my interview came up. I was the last one so there was nothing to distract from me pouring my heart out on how Izuku inspired me. Then that was the end of the interview. Everyone was shocked. "Sh-Shocchan?". "Is that true?" Izuku asked. I nodded my head. "He even smiled at the end~," Mina said, excitedly. "Really~," Izuku asked, starting to tear up. "Yeah," I said, a smile creeping my lips. Izuku got up from the floor and hugged me. "Alright, alright," I said, patting his head. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "Don't cry Izuku" I said, trying to comfort him. "They're happy tears, that was so nice," he said, putting his head back in my chest. I continued to pat Izuku's head. He has really soft messy locks of green. "Hey, do you guys want to play truth or dare," Mina asked. What does she have planned? "That sounds fun," Izuku said, turning his head to look at her with interest. "Sure," I said. We all sat down somewhere, it was nowhere near a circle but still. I sat on the couch next to Kirishima and Shoji. "Okay, Todoroki truth or dare". Damn, I'm going first. "Truth". Sure the last time I did dare, it was amazing cause I got to touch Izuku but I wasn't risking it from anyone. And the only thing different was that Mineta was with us. "Who do you think is the best cuddler?" Hagakuri asked me. "Well, I've only cuddled with Izuku so I wouldn't know if anyone else" I explained. "You guys cuddled!~" Mina awed. I just stoned face her and nodded.

We went around until Bakugou asked Izuku truth or dare. "Truth or dare Deku," Bakugou asked aggressively. "Dare," Izuku said, feeling a little brave I guess. "I dare you to wear one of Mina's tightest and shortest dress" Bakugou smirked evilly. "Yas, Deku you'll look so cute," Mina said, grabbing Izuku's wrist and dragged him to her dorm room. We all waited patiently. Mina already walked out so we all could presume was that Izuku was still changing. We all just stared at the door. Mina knocked on the door. "Ya done?" She asked. He must have said that he wasn't coming out because Mina tried opening the door to find it locked. "Deku don't make me open this door," she said. The door suddenly opened and we all saw Izuku in a short spaghetti strapped dress.

~the dress he was wearing~

~the dress he was wearing~

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
A Figurative Angel (Tododeku)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن