Chapter four - Flirting Time

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I awoke again to the sound of phone cameras. I turned my head to see most of the girls taking pictures while everyone else was gone. Maybe they were downstairs. I got up trying my best to not wake Midoriya. "Two things one- thank you, Mina. Two - send me one of those photos no blurry pics" I said. Mina nodded.

After everyone was awake (and I mean Midoriya) one of Momo's chefs made breakfast. It was my favorite and it was good but it's not changing my mind. I mostly watched how Midoriya eats like a hamster. Stuffing his cute chubbed cheeks with waffles and chews it happily. It was adorable. I wish I could see this every morning I wake up. I sighed at the thought but not rudely this time.

After breakfast, everyone was getting dressed and waiting for their parents to pick them up. Endeavor's car drove up meaning I have to go back to hell instead of staying with Midoriya. "Goodbye Midoriya, I'll see you at school," I said, waving as he waved back with a smile.

When we got back to the house I went to my room ignoring his questions. I decided to visit mom. I left the house and made my way to the hospital.

Once I arrived I sat down next to her. (I don't know how visiting works for adults but I don't think it's the same as for kids). "Hello Shoto," she said blankly. "Hello, mother," I said, fidgeting with my fingers. All I could think about was Midoriya. "Is something wrong Shoto?" My mother asked. I guess it'll be nice to tell my mom about my little crush on Midoriya. "I just keep thinking of someone I like," I said. "Oh! Do I know this person?" She asked. "Not that I know of," I said. "Do you know someone by the name Izuku Midoriya?" I asked. She nodded her head no. "I didn't expect you to like men," she said. "I didn't either". It went silent. "Could you tell me more about him?" She asked. I felt a bit better explaining what I love about Midoriya. I love his fluffy hair, his big green eyes, his freckled chubby cheeks, his sweet scent, his shortness, his big bright smile, everything. I completely forgot about his freckles. All I want to do is kiss all of them. Boy, I'm going soft.

After the visit with my mother, I went back home and went straight to my room. I got a text from Mina.

Mina: come over and I'll help ya out

I accepted coming over and she sent me her address.

When I arrived Mina's mom let me in. Mina's mom looks a lot like Mina. She showed me where Mina's room was. Mina's room was interesting: pink walls with posters of some singer, and her carpet was beige which complimented the pink walls. "Sit lover peasant," she said, pointing towards a purple chair. I sat down. "Now you, sir, have a crush on Midoriya" Mina pointed out. "So I'll tell you how you can tell him," she said having a nice hold on her hips as they swayed. "Just tell him," she said shrugging. "What?" I asked. "Just go up and say 'I have a crush on you' then bam he knows," she said making movements as she talked. "That's not easy Mina," I said. She was about to speak but she realized that I was right so she grasped her chin to make it look like she's thinking. "Just give me time," I said. "Yeah but in that time someone else who likes Deku can confess to him," Mina said. I didn't want to think of Midoriya with someone else. "Just give me the time I will do it I just need to know more about Midoriya" I explained. "I want to know what he likes," I said looking down and rubbing the back of my neck. "I want to know where to take him," I said closing my eyes. "Todoroki stop being such a romantic" Mina said fanning her face. I got a message from Midoriya. It was a picture.

"I'm saving this" I meant to say in my head but said it out loud

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"I'm saving this" I meant to say in my head but said it out loud. Mina grabbed my phone out of my hands to see what I'm talking about. "Aw~," Mina said, looking at the cute picture of Midoriya in a pink bunny hoodie. "It's mine you can't have it," I said taking my phone back. Then my phone dinged.

Midoriya💚: what do you think?

Me: there isn't a word that exists to tell you how cute you are

There really isn't. I googled words that mean cute and nothing could compare.

Midoriya💚: aw thank you Todoroki-Kun🤍❤️

This sweet little nugget put two hearts with my hair color. How sweet.

Midoriya💚: Todoroki-Kun do you want to join me?

Me: Sure, where are you?

Midoriya told me where he was and I quickly made my way to the mall.

Once I arrived he texted me that he was at the food court. I found him having a milkshake with Uraraka. "Todoroki-Kun," he said, happy as I sat down. "Hi, Todoroki-Kun" Uraraka followed. "Hi," I said blankly. "Got you a milkshake too," Uraraka said giving it to me. I took a sip. It was too sweet. I covered my mouth. "Is something wrong Todoroki-Kun?" Midoriya asked. "It's really sweet, who ordered it?" I asked. "Deku did," she said pointing towards Midoriya. "Oh that explains it since Midoriya is super sweet," I said setting the drink down as Midoriya giggled. "Thank you Todoroki-Kun" he giggled. "Oh it's no problem at all," I said, leaning closer. "You guys make me feel single" Uraraka said sadly. Midoriya and I blushed and I straightened my back. "I'll be right back," Midoriya said getting up and going towards the bathrooms. "Todoroki-Kun how are you so good at flirting without knowing what flirting was in the first place," Uraraka asked. I shrugged.

I started getting a strange feeling. It didn't feel right. I got up to go check to see if Midoriya was alright. "Hey Todoroki-Kun where are you going?" Uraraka asked. "Something doesn't feel right, I'm just going to see if Midoriya is alright," I said. "Oh okay," she said as I left. I walked in as the door slammed shut behind me. Everything seems normal. There was only one person in the bathroom stall. I took a closer look to see Midoriya and someone else's shoes. It could've been a coincidence but for Midoriya to leave the bathroom without us noticing or him going back to our table was highly unlikely. I knocked on the stall.

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