Your breath got caught up in your throat. You liked Namjoon, you really did. You can see yourself in a year with him and Chanyeol... but what would happen after? If anything bad happens, if Namjoon moves on... you're the one who would get shit on.

"I'm scared," you start explaining, squeezing his hands back. "I don't know what the future holds for us." You don't know if he'll stop liking you. "If anything bad happens, your fans are lethal... you know?"

He nods, his face is still red. "So you'll just be the babysitter." Ouch...

It's your decision.

"For now, yes." You could see his face sadden and you instantly panic, moving around to hold his face. "I don't want people to get angry if you ever stop liking me and you move on." The possibility of you not liking him for some reason never crossed your mind.

He nods and closes his eyes. "Yeah, I get it. Just a little sad I don't get to show you off."

A laugh slips past your lips and your brows furrow, confused. "Show me off?" It'll definitely be the opposite. A big loud 'I have this handsome man all too myself' scream at the whole world; literally.

"Y/N. You're hot." Your face burns red at the compliment and you continue to hide your face. "People who found you instantly admitted it." He's smiling brightly, moving his face to try and get close to yours.

You sit up, his face following yours. "Stop..." your voice is more of a whine as your hands rest on his chest. "It's embarrassing."

"It's the truth." He brings you close and kisses you softly. "Now... Can we change the subject? I've had enough talking to the others and trying to figure out my best option. Talk to me about something else."

His hands move to your thighs and you both stare at one another with a set of goofy smiles. "Hmmm... I wonder, I wonder." Your mind trails back at conversations left unfinished, anything you haven't told him, you remember the date you've been setting up for so long that has yet to happen and before you know it you're speaking up. "Date!"

"Uh... it's Thursday-"

"No, no, no, not that type of date. A date."

Namjoon stares at you confused and you eagerly wait for him to understand it. "Oh." You nod, bouncing a little on his legs with a little excitement. "You sure? All eyes are on us right now."

"People have already seen me with you. I'm sure one casually dressed date won't hurt. We have to do it- after all the stress and ups and downs- we- well, mostly I have been through, you know, mood swings and all those bologna sandwiches."

He looks at you in an amusing manner. "Bologna sandwiches?"

"BS," you whisper in his ear and he laughs as a response.

Using foul language was a habit you had broken out of after being around Chanyeol so much that you always found yourself using all types of creative replacements.

"Well, I as well, think that the date would be a great idea." Yeah, this is not a bad idea, right? "When would it be though?"

You glance at the wall clock and read the time and date. "Well, considering Chanyeol, I think we should take-"

"It should be a me and you day. I've- I've talked to Jin Hyung and I... I've been talking about the date and- now- I don't want you thinking I was super desperate for it- I just- You know I-" he sighs, "Jin just agreed to take care of Chanyeol for a day off or something."

Oh... he was plotting ahead while you just thought of the place of where to have the date. "He agreed?"

"He did. The man has nothing to do, I'm sure hanging out with the little angel won't be of any trouble to him."

It's a bit shameless, you have to admit. Just throwing the kid to the side for a silly date? "Kim Seokjin won't mind? I really don't want to bother him."

You're surprised with a kiss on your cheek and Namjoon hums. "Don't worry about it too much." He adjusts you properly on his lap and his eyes never really leave yours. "Tomorrow?"

"If it isn't any trouble to your friend, I wouldn't mind going on a date with you tomorrow."  Your hands run up his chest and you find yourself in the familiar position where your arms rest around his neck and his hands on your lower back. "For now, you should sleep though."

"Y/N, I thought we were having a moment here." You share a laugh and now the 'moment' is ruined. You're moving away from his lap and waiting for him to stand beside you. "Not a few more minutes?"

"Come on," you say and gesture for him to go in the direction of his room. "I also have to shower and it's not like we can get in togeth-"

"Why not?"


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