Chapter 6

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This chapter addresses sensitive subjects like domestic violence.



I collapsed into Brook's arms feeling demolished inside.

She led me to her living room then sat down on the couch next to me. I told her everything from the beginning, starting with the conversation I had with Matthew on the phone while we were at the club last week. Then I explained to her how he tried to bring our argument in the conversation in front of my parents, using it to his advantage. I told her about how my father, once again, stood up for him against me as I tried to keep Matt from making a fool of me in front of them. I told him about the argument we had in the car, intentionally neglecting to mention that he called him a whore. I didn't want to risk hurting her unnecessarily.

I also didn't tell him that he hurt me by gripping my arm tightly. I didn't see the relevance of telling her when I still didn't know what I was going to do about it. I knew she was going to try to convince me to break up with him even more knowing that. What I can understand. She wants to protect me. But she doesn't see our relationship from the inside. It was only the first time he had hurt me. Sure, I've seen him snap and punch a wall or throw things, but his aggression has never been directed at me, not before tonight.

We were silent for a long time after I finished my story. Brook looked at me compassionately as he continued to stroke my back in a comforting gesture as I wiped my tears away. Suddenly, her expression changed. She looked thoughtful, as if she couldn't decide which words to use.

"What did Matthew say in the car?" She said softly, trying to meet my gaze as I tried to avoid her. "I'm not stupid Aspen. You would never have reacted like that otherwise. He must have said or done something to make you decide to get out of the car." She added.

I stopped avoiding his gaze. She sincerely seemed to want me to answer her. I am unable to lie to someone by looking them in the eye. I hate hiding things from Brook. Even though a part of me tried to protect her from what Matthew had to say about her, Brook is by far the strongest person I know. She probably wasn't going to have a problem taking it.

"He called you a whore." I said, internally resenting me for having confessed to her. "It pissed me off. You know I will never accept that he talks badly about you, right?" I continue, feeling terribly guilty inside.

"That's it?" She said to me, perplexed.

"Brook, have you listened to me? He called you a whore." I answered her, surprised at his reaction.

I didn't expect her to have a huge reaction but at least to have one.

"OK and then what? He's a son of a bitch and the biggest fool the Earth has ever carried. It's not as if his opinion has any value." She replied, amused.

I smiled at her then hugged her. She's, by far, the most confident and strong person I know. It should stop surprising me, but still I am every time. I would like so much to be strong and confident like her.

"Well, let's stop talking about this and let me take your mind off things."She said, which made me laugh and wipe my teary eyes.

"What did your boss think of your article after all? You haven't given me any news." She pursued.

"He won't publish it."I answered her sadly, shrugging my shoulders slightly.

"What an idiot. In fact, I might have been wrong when I said that Matthew's the biggest fool the Earth has ever carried." She said while nodding negatively, disappointed.

I couldn't help but laugh at her comment.

"If I base myself on the potential investors he meets, in fact, I think he's not the king of great decisions." I added.

"You intrigue me, which potential investors are you talking about?" She asked me, intrigued.

"Harry." I answered shortly.

"Styles? Liam's friend?" She said, confused.

"Yeah, I know. Why would a guy like him want to invest in The Script?" I replied, as confused as she is.

"Harry works in business. He owns several clubs in the region." She let me know.

"For real? I'm surprised I didn't think he was that kind of person." I said, looking at her with wide open eyes, surprised.

I'm not sure how I imagined Harry, but working in business comes with some risk. From one day to the next a lucrative business that makes a lot of profit may go down in business. I didn't imagine Harry being a good manager.

"Actually, The Register, do you know which club we went to the other night? He owns it." She replied. She seems surprised no one had told me before.

It suddenly made more sense. I understood better now why Malik, the bartender, didn't charge me for the drink because I was with Styles. Harry's his boss actually.

We remained in silence for a little while. I didn't know what to say anymore. It has been a long and painful week. I was exhausted. I only dreamed of one thing and that was to sleep. But I didn't want to be alone either.

"Brook, do you mind if I stay to sleep. I don't want to be alone at my apartment tonight." I asked her.

"Of course not. We will do like when we were young, we will sleep together in my bed." She replied, excited by her nostalgia. "You're lucky I washed my sheets today." She said, looking at me with a naughty little smile.

It took a few seconds for me to figure out what she was referring to. This is how images of her and Liam having sex in her bed appeared in my head.

"Oh no Brook stop I don't want to think about these things." I said, covering my eyes with my palms, as if the images would disappear as a result.

We both laughed out loud.

"I'll go take a quick shower. I'll be right back." I informed her as I left the living room.

I made a detour to her room to pick up some underwear and a hoodie that I had left at her apartment a long time ago. My phone started to vibrate. Matthew was calling me. I decided to ignore his call, without hesitation. I locked the door to her bathroom, then I removed my short-sleeved dress. I was in my underwear and noticed the mark Matthew's hand had left on my left bicep.

I couldn't help but touch her. It was painful. The interior was dark purple, but the exterior was more nude. It was elongated. It was the shape of the thumb Matthew was pushing into my arm, trying to hold me back. I raised my arm to see four smaller bruises located one below the other near my armpit. Matt's other 4 fingers had been marked as well.

Looking at myself in the mirror I no longer saw the same person I saw last night. Something had changed in the last 24 hours. I didn't know if it was because of Matthew's gesture or, more precisely, the mark left of it. I didn't know if one day I was going to look at myself in the mirror and see the person I was before. All I knew was that I had been hurt.

And at the time, I had no idea how broken I was going to be at the end.


The last two paragraphs were quite difficult to write. Know that if you find yourself in a situation like Aspen, you are not alone. There are plenty of resources to help you. You don't have to go through this in any way. You are strong and I love y'all.

List of domestic violence hotlines:

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