"Don't let the cave-in get you down, Sokka!" Sokka groaned and clutched his hair.
"How on earth did (Y/N) ever had to deal with you all these years!" He yelled in frustration, in which Chong paused, but smiled at him.

"Don't let little Volc-A fool you with her humble appearance, she wasn't always like that you know," He explained, still strumming his Lute.
"What do you mean?" He asked the older man, a little confused but still annoyed.

"She wasn't always the happy and bold spark as she is now. When we first met her, she was merely 10, scared, shaking, crying non stop, and never let us get near her. It was a sight where I never want to see again," Chong told him, his happy tone turned to a more serious one.

"Eventually she told us what happened, a long time ago, she lived with her big happy family in the Fire Nation," He started again, slowly strumming his Lute.
"When she was five years old, her father died by a terrible accident, causing her family to move near Ba Sing Se, leaving her only friend behind," Sokka remembered the time he yelled at you about knowing Zuko, feeling guilty.

'Zuko was her only friend, and I berated her for it,' He gave a sigh, listening closely.
"Three years later, her brother framed her and got her exiled when she was eight. Sad story so far. And for two years while she was running and trying to find a home, she got captured by a Fire Nation and someone hurt her so badly," Chong sadly said Sokka immediately thought of Zhao, which made his clutch his torch.

"That someone did something so terrible, it made me saddened by her aura which had fear, shame, and anger. We took her in and raised her to be who she is now. We call her Little Volc-A because of her lavabending, we love it when she bends. I think she loves it too because it makes her no longer afraid of her bending," Sokka raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Afraid? Why would she be afraid of her bending?" He asked, making Chong shake his head.

"Because she killed someone a long time ago,"


"Okay, try to remember the legend," You mumbled, onto top of Appa and led him down the cave.
"Two people from two different villages fell in love, but the two villages were at war. They learned Earthbending from badgermoles, and made this labyrinth so no one would find them. The man died and the woman ending the war with her bending, giving peace." You mumbled to yourself, petting Momo and Twig.

"Omashu was named after the two lovers, and live will find a way out of here, or else you'll get lost," You shivered at the thought of being alone down in the caves.
"Well, I'm not fully alone, right guys?" You gently smiled at the three animals, who made noises to comfort you. The torch you had started to go low, making you gulp in fear.

"Love is a funny thing, you know?" You chuckled, patting Appa's back.
"The first time I experienced love, was when I first met... well, Zuko," You snorted, remembering when you first met Zuko.
"I'm pretty sure he had a puppy love crush, and... well, maybe I did too," You blushed softly.

"Then came Azula, we met when I finally convinced him for me to meet her and her friends. Not the greatest idea, since Azula immediately declared me as her girlfriend, which made Zuko mad, and her friends started to grow attached to me, and..." You trailed off, shivering at the memories.

"When... well, when everything else happened, I met Suki, and she was my, legitimate girlfriend, but I made a mistake that I still regret," You sighed sadly.
"Then, well then I met the Gaang, I don't know about my feelings yet. I felt more closely to the two siblings, but I still don't know how to feel about all three. Then Yue, then what happened back at the Earth Kingdom base, then- UGH!!" You yelled out and laid on Appa's saddle.

The Delusional Bender | Atla various x bender! Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें