34 | Moment Of Despair | Spot

Start from the beginning

He still likes checking Sheepshead to see if Race is there.

As long as Spot as known Race, the only thing predictable about him as that somewhere he'll be out betting somewhere.

And he feels a glimmer of satisfaction as he watches Race go into Sheepshead, showing no sign on noticing Spot watching him from a distance.

Spot, fifteen, having time to have contemplated the idea of helping Manhattan with their strike.

It's dark. Not as many people are out.

And yet Race shows up. He wasn't expecting this.

But he's glad all the same that Race came.

Spot, almost a week ago, asking Race to come meet him at sunset.

He nearly thought that Race had forgot. Or just didn't want to come. He gets up to leave.

Suddenly, Race literally comes crashing into him. They laugh it off. Then they talk.

And then they kiss, and have never been happier.

Spot inhales deeply. All those memories. True, they had all been in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is his home. Always has been. Heck, his family lives--or lived; he truly doesn't know--in Brooklyn. But Brooklyn would mean nothing if he didn't have Race with him.

Spot stands there, frozen, not entirely sure what do still. Does he say something? He can't let Race die, that's for sure. 

And in his indecision, all he does is stand entirely still, making no gesture to suggest his decision to go one way or the other.

Bored with Spot, the Delanceys taunt Jack. 

"Scared, Cowboy?"

"We told you we'd fix up your pal Davey."

Jack stands up fully. He clenches his fists. His nostrils flare. But he doesn't move. He's smart. He knows the situation will worsen if he makes a move. But it's still so dang hard to let them get away with this.

"The boy goes free," Snyder puts in, "if you come with me. You'll never have to worry about his safety ever again. His family will rejoice at his return. In time, he will forget you. You'll have been merely a person he once met. And, in that sense, we don't have to worry about your little lover problem ever again."

Jack stiffens. Spot can hear his hard breathing. That's nothing easy to here. Spot wishes he could tell Jack that everything was going to be okay. But he can't speak.

And then...

Jack nods. "I'll do everything you guys want."

Spot's heart drops. "No!" But he knows it's no use.

The Delanceys and Weasel openly rejoice. Snyder's lip curls. He keeps getting scarier and scarier with each new move he makes. And more dangerous. And creepy.

Now that Jack has made a deal with the devil...

...Spot has less of a chance of holding his ground.

"We won!" Oscar, Morris, and Weasel shout. They start doing dances. Except for Oscar, still holding on to Race.

"What'll it be, Spot?" Oscar turns to Spot. "Don't think we'd forgotten you. Time's running out." Finally, he cocks the gun.

"No!" Spot shouts, flinging a hand out.

"Spot, don't do it!" Race yells, but in vain.


"No!" Spot drops to his knees. He's fully sobbing now. "You can have Brooklyn! Have it all! Just please, PLEASE, let go of Race."

Now it's time for Oscar's lip to curl. He puts the gun away. Well, he's about to, until Snyder takes it from him.

So the gun belongs to Snyder. Again, another thing that makes more sense.

"I think we need to make this official!" Weasel rubs his hands together. "You two want a handshake? Put all hard feelings behind us?"

Jack glares at Weasel. But, slowly, hesitantly, he pulls out his hand.

"Jack," Spot says, "you know if you shake on it, there's no going back." Regardless of that, Spot knows what he's choosing. Jack does too.

Jack spits in his hand. He's about to hold it out.

....no one is entirely sure what is happening now.

All of them hear someone or something coming from outside. All eight faces are confused. No one, absolutely no one, has planned on this.

Then, if no one knows what's out there, that's currently moving closer to them...

...what is it that's out there?


I'm not gonna lie I got a little, okay, more than a little, near emotional when Race is saying that he isn't worth whatever they have to give up.

Apparently Another Life by Lucas & Steve (featuring Alida) is a really good Sprace song, especially in this circumstance.

I don't care that this is barely 1000 words. I wrote this in half an hour. Approximately. Like, 30-40 min range. 40 minutes. But still.


Ready for what happens next? ;)

Please, no homophobia, profanities, hate etc in the comment section.


~Your Beloved Author (who doesn't have time to watch all Pirates of the Caribbean to honor Johnny Depp's birthday today, but rewatched all the trailers and best Captain Jack Sparrow scenes)

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