Matt Greyson

377 4 18

The next morning I woke up to someone shaking me. I groaned and slightly opened my eyes. "Y/n, c'mon get up. Your mom made food." Matt said still shaking me. "I'll eat later..." Suddenly I felt my body be engulfed with cold air. 

"Matt! Why'd you do that!" I shot up and gave him a death glare. "You wouldn't get up, I'm starving let's go." With that Matt walked out of my bedroom leaving my blanket on the floor of my room.

I groaned and got up. I picked up my blanket and made my bed. Seeing the yellow triangle design on my covers never failed to brighten my day. I ran into my bathroom that was connected to my bedroom, took of my clothes and hopped in the shower.

While washing the conditioner out of my hair I couldn't get over the fact that I just ran away from Benny like that. I mean, I've always wanted to have feelings towards someone. Now that I think I might for the first time since my father passed, I couldn't react to it as I've always planned to.

After drying off I wrapped one towel over my body and the other over my hair. Today I didn't feel like taking care of my skin, but it was now a everyday must. I mean, I was in the sun all day everyday. When I was younger and was having a stressful day my mom took out facemasks and placed them on me. Some reason taking care of myself always cleared my thoughts, it was like a therapy session. 

After taking care of my skin I put on lotion and got changed into dark blue skinny jeans, a black tank top and light grey vans. I put on deodorant and light scented lavender perfume. I walked back into my bathroom and took off the towel wrapped around my hair. My grandma gave me this hair oil stuff that changed my life, I used to have dry hair. But since I used this oil stuff my hair always looked so flowy and hydrated. So I used that like I do every morning, put heat protectant on and blow dried my hair along with straightening every piece perfectly.

I jumped to a sudden knock at my bathroom door, "Yea?" I walked over to the bathroom door and opened it. 

"Are you coming down? Your mom and I already finished our plates." He said with a 'hurry up' glare.

"yeah, yeah I'm done." I unplugged the straightener and blow dryer and followed him out of my room. We walked out into the hallway and down the stairs. As soon as we reached the bottom Matt turned left to the living room. I watched as he took a seat and turned on SpongeBob. 

I rolled my eyes, that was one thing about Matt that made me laugh. He was completely obsessed with SpongeBob, he was 14 and his room was completely filled with SpongeBob posters. I giggled to myself and walked to the dining table.

I took a seat and prayed to God (If you don't believe in God that is perfectly fine, you can leave this part out.) before eating. "Sweetie, are you going to the Sandlot today?" my mom asked taking a seat in front of me sipping on a mug of coffee. 

"What sandlot?" asked Matt approaching me from behind. "Oh, it's just a place where I play baseball at with some boys." I said smiling looking up at him.

He was hovered over me from behind and looking down at me with a smirk. "Can I come?" He said before he walked to a chair beside me and took a seat. "Can you play?" I asked playfully.

He pressed his hand over his heart and dropped his mouth, "Y/n! I thought you knew me better." He said dramatically. I laughed finishing the last bite on my plate of beans and eggs. 

He smiled and laughed along. "Well you two can head over now, I'm going to get ready for work. Ask your friends y/n where a diner is. I'm not going to be home in time to make dinner." She said before taking out her wallet. She placed $40 in my hand. "Get something for your friends too." she said before walking away.

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