Chapter Thirteen

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"Where's the bag?! It's not here!" Harry screams from upstairs, the anxiety that is balling up in him is straining his voice.

"It should be in the closet!" I shout to him, while Niall cleans the area around me with a paper towel. 

We've been standing still for about 30 minutes; despite wanting to leave almost instantly when my water broke, Harry couldn't get it together. I mean, how hard is it to find a couple bags?

A sharp pain shoots up my back and around to my lower stomach. I grip Niall's shoulders, my nails digging into his skin.   "Oh fuck," I whimper, trembling. 

"they're 2 minutes apart!" Niall yells at Harry, from which I hear a big thud. 

"I'm okay! I fell!" Harry says, his voice cracking. 

"No one cares that you fell! Just get down here!" I scream, as soon as the contraction ends, shoving on my shoes. 

Niall helps me out to the passenger seat as another contraction hits, causing my head to fly back in pain. Niall caresses my cheek, timing the contractions. 

"You're doing so good," he coos. 

Harry rushes out in a state of panic, his left shoe half on and bags swinging from his arms. He throws the bags into the trunk and closes it before hopping into the driver's seat next to me. 

"Okay, did we forget anything?" He asks himself as Niall crawls into the backseat, buckling himself up. 

"No, now let's go before he gives birth in the car." Niall says. Harry drives off quickly, grasping my hands tightly as we serve around streets attempting to get to the hospital. 

"Harry if we get in a car crash and die I'm forgiving you," I snap at him. 

"But you'd be dead, so how would that work?" Niall questions. 

I shoot him a look before going back to focusing on my breathing, Harry rubs the back of my hand with his thumb- every now and then kissing the backside of my hand. 

Once we arrive we get our backs and walk inside, nurse instantly rushing towards us. A nurse wheels me off to labor and delivery, Niall following while Harry is forced to fill out paperwork, with a scowl on his face may I add. 

They change me into a hospital gown and strap monitors to me and around my stomach. Harry rushes in laying the bags down by Niall before going and pecking me on the forehead. 

Just then a male doctor comes in, someone I've never seen before. 

"I'm sorry, Dr. Payne is unable to come in due to a family emergency, but I will taking over for him," he says. 

He has black wavy hair with a sharp jawline, his eyes are dark, almost black looking while his skin is naturally tanned. 

"Dr. Calum Hood." He introduces himself, shaking Harry's hand. "I'm just going to check to see how dilated you are." Calum snaps on gloves before propping legs up and checking me, which is one of the weirdest feelings I've felt. 

"You're 8cm, I'm glad you came in when you did. It should be about 30 minutes to an hour before you would have to start pushing." He explains. 

"Thank you," Harry says as Dr. Hood is exiting. 

"I'll call the family and friends," Niall says, leaving the room to give us some privacy. 

"God, you're so perfect," Harry gushes, squeezing my hand. I nod, feeling a contraction approaching. 

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