Chapter Two

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I can barely breathe without my back throbbing. I've had cramps but definitely not on my back. 

"Are you okay? You've never felt this bad without having a fever since- well-ever," Niall questions, confusion written all over his face. 

"I have no idea, just keep rubbing," I manage out. Niall continues rubbing his palm into my lower back, I figured out this is my only cure for my pain. 

There's complete silence as I'm holding back my urge to puke. I lay flatter on my stomach and gasp as my exposed chest hits my neck pillow. 

"What? Did I hurt you?!" Niall asks sharply. 

"No, no. Shit, my nipples just hurt like a bitch," I hiss in pain. Niall looks at me for a second before getting up. 

He trudges over to my window and stares out my window, he's too dramatic for me sometimes. I sigh and roll my eyes as I flip back over on my back. 

"When was the last time you had sex?" Niall asks suddenly. 

"uh, I don't know, like 5 weeks ago- I haven't been in the mood lately," I respond "Why?"

"Did the doctors ever call you back?" He asks, ignoring my confusion. 

"No, they were supposed to. I figured if something was bad they would've called," I say shrugging. 

"Louis I think we should go to the doctors," he says timidly, turning back to face me. His eyes clearly displaying worry. 

"Why? What's going on?" I ask. Clearly, my stress levels are going up quicker by the passing second. 

"I think you might be pregnant," he utters out. 

"what?! There's no way! Are you crazy?! I haven't had sex! I'm on the pill! And the last time I had sex I clearly remember seeing a used condom on the ground!" I barked at the blonde. 

"I'm just saying! This isn't a normal sickness! Tell me, did you have sex Louis?!" Niall badgers. 

"No! I didn't! They told me not to!" I argue. 

"Wait, what do you mean they told you not to?" He inquires, his eyebrows furrowing. 

"They said no sex, no smoking, no drugs, you know the drill- you've had it done," I scoffed.

"Yes I have, but they never told me to do any of that. That sound's a lot like..." he trails off. His face pales and he races for his phone and furiously types on his phone. 

I sit there solemnly, this is ridiculous- there's no way I'm pregnant. I can't be. I couldn't handle it. No way in hell was I pregnant. 

"Oh my god! I knew it sounded familiar! It's the procedure of an artificial insemination! Louis, they accidentally inseminated you!" Niall wailed. 

My blood runs cold, I can feel my face drop and my heart gets heavy. I grasp my phone as Niall is cooing over the fact that another little Louis could be running around. 

I dial the doctor's office as it rings I can feel my stomach twist. 

"Hi yes, can I talk to Dr. Liam Payne, it's about a procedure he did on me 5 weeks ago. My names Louis Tomlinson," I say as soon as someone picks up. 

"Oh yes, of course, I'll get him right now," a high-pitched female voice responds. Niall sits beside me and snatches the phone from my hand and turns it on speaker before gently returning it to me. 

"Dr. Liam Payne,"  a deeper male voice says. 

"Hi, Mr. Payne. It's been about 5 weeks since I had my procedure done and I was wondering if you accidentally inseminated me with someone's sperm," I ask quickly, my words getting slurred at the end. 

He sighs heavily. "I'm so sorry Louis, I did make that mistake." 

"Are you kidding me?!" I practically scream. "Do you know how this will completely wreck all my plans for my future?!" 

"What future?" Niall asks me quietly. I shove him in the ribcage. 

"I know I know, I deeply apologize- please come into my office and we can get you an official test for pregnancy and discuss our options there, please get here as soon as possible, thanks." He dismisses before hanging up. 

I'm stuck sitting there, the phone still glued in my hand. I sit in shock. Niall turns to look at me, sorrow rolling down his spine. 

"I-I can't believe this," I choke out before breaking down in sobs. Niall wraps an arm around me before shushing me. 

"It'll be okay, we'll figure it out together like we always do," He says, rocking me as sobs rack my body. 


We're sat in Liam's office, waiting for our results. I bounce my knee nervously as Niall stares off into space. My cheeks are stained with tears and my eyes are puffy and red. 

I'm all about looking your best, but now is not the time for my motto. 

They had me take a blood and urine test along with getting my blood pressure and weight taken. 

Liam walks in slowly and takes a seat in front of us, or behind his desk. He flips a file open and runs his eyes down it. 

He looks up at us slowly.  

"Listen I am so sorry for putting you all through this," Liam says. 

"Just give us the results," Niall snaps. 

"Louis both you're blood and urine test has come back positive, and by what you are describing- you have all the pregnancy symptoms," Liam says. 

It feels like all the air has been knocked out of me, I grasp the side of the chair, trying to keep myself together. Pregnant. 

"We can perform a Noninvasive Prenatal Paternity to get DNA and make sure that this baby does belong to the sample we accidentally inseminated you with," Liam explains. 

"How you do that?" Niall asks, clearly knowing I'm completely out of it. 

"This would just taking a blood sample from the carrier, Louis, and a blood sample from the father, of course, we'd have to get DNA from the baby itself, it's incredibly accurate and a safe procedure for Louis. However it does higher the chance of a miscarriage," Liam says. 

"How fast could we get this done?" Niall questions. 

"In 3 weeks, we'd have to wait till Louis is 8 weeks. But Louis you do have other options than keeping the baby. You don't have to make this decision right away. There's always adoption, abortion, or keeping the baby. It's up to you," Liam pointed out. 

"Who's the father?" I ask quietly. "Because he should know too,"

Liam quiets for a second. "His name is Harry Styles, I'm sure you all know who he is. One of the most known models out there, quite wealthy he is. I'm going to call him and explain all of this, you're welcome to leave your number so that I may give him it if you would like that?" 

"yes, thank you," I say, writing down my personal number. Liam nods and exits the room. 

"Louis it's the Harry Styles. Harry is the father of your baby. Think of how cute that baby would be!" Niall gushes. 

"Niall we don't know if it's Harry's yet," I say. 

"It's better Harry than the one night stand," Niall hums. 

To Be Continued...

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