Chapter Three

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The trace of her perfectly manicured nails linger on my exposed chest. As the humid air drifts into the gray toned room, goosebumps arise from my skin as I shift, attempting to pry her lasting touch off of me. 

"Where are you going?" She asks, her voice low and wary. 

"My office, I have to schedule my next photoshoot. I told you this last night," I reply sharply. The silver wedding band seeming oddly cold. 

"You expect me to listen when you can't even remember what I said either? It takes two to tango, baby," She says, grasping the sheets around her, pulling them over her stature. 

I gaze over at Val. The sun lands directly over the side of her face, carving and enhancing the features off of her.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," She retorted, grabbing the hair clip that always lays on our night stand. She clips her hair up and begins to pull on my shirt from the night before. 

Valencia Amor. Another model, like me. 

My wife. 

I settled down little than a year ago, and now the regret shadows my day to day life. My wedding got a lot of media considering the New York Times named it one of the most elegant weddings to exist. 

I can't argue with that though, a lot of time and effort was put into that wedding. I didn't argue with what Val wanted. I was stuck in the honeymoon stage just long enough to sign the marriage certificate. 

Only after that was when I realized it was a mistake. 

Her charm and beauty was seductive and that's what kept me in place. Usually, when partners have regrets it's because they fully experienced the true personalities of their husbands or wives. 

This didn't happen to me. She still remained the same to me. Talking the same, working the same. Only the small things bugged me, and that soon got to me. 

I realized I didn't love her the way I thought I did. 

Signing the divorce papers was an option then, but this marriage has been happening far too long to sign them now. The bad publicity would set in and ruin not only her but me too. I'm stuck, and now my life seems to be going in a continuous loop. 


I lean back in my seat as it squeaks in the fairly quiet office space. My fingers drum on the desktop, the rain beats up against my window. 

The clicking of heels quickens as it nears my office door. My eyes shoot up as my assistant enters my office. "Mr. Styles, Liam Payne is on line number one," she tells me. 

"Thank you, Alejandra," I praised. 

I pick up the phone and clip into line number one. "Liam! How are you?" I exclaim. 

Yes, It's true. Liam and I go way back, we've been friend's since grammar school. I was quite surprised when he told me he was going into a medical profession. 

"Hey Harry, I'm doing great. I was wondering if you could come into the office, you and Valencia," He stammered out. 

"Uh, yeah of course," I trail off, "Is everything okay?"

"What? Oh yeah, perfectly fine," He coughs "just come in. Now."

"Oh, okay- I'll be there in 15," I say, hanging up. 

I sigh heavily, before running my hands down my face, my elbows against the desk. I have a bad feeling about this. 

I take my phone from my pocket and click on Valencia's contact name. It rings a few times before she picks up. 

"Yes?" She snaps at me, her almost out of breath. I hear a male voice in the back mumble something before she shushes him. 

"Liam wants us to meet him at his office, it's an emergency." I explained, grabbing my satchel and walking out of my office. 

"Oh, I'm-I'm a bit preoccupied," she stutters out, before letting out a breathy moan. I internally cringe. 

"I don't care, get to Liam's office now- or I just might let your affair slip out," I threaten, her breath cuts short. 

"You wouldn't," She seethes. 

"Oh I would," I smirk. "See, I'm getting a little tired of this. You know how much the media loves the sweet publicity of a failed marriage. But best of all, why would I be blamed for it, when you were the one in the wrong?" 

I quickly tell the driver where to go, as I listen to her struggling to rush to Liam's office. 

"Well, then I'd just have to talk to them, to calm them down of course- tell them about you and your family's little deal, per say," she says. 

"You don't know anything, be at Liam's." I demand, hanging up. My hands tremble, as my cheeks start to redden. 

I reach Liam's office and walk in, I get a few glances from peers as I enter the building. I open the door and Val sits waiting. 

"Ah finally, You arrived," Liam says, coming out from the corner, "We were just waiting," 

"Glad to see I was missed," I beamed, Val scoffs and rolls her eyes. 

"Well, let's go to my office for a bit of privacy may we?" Liam offers walking to his office. We slowly follow behind. 

He sits down first, and pulls out a file with a name I don't recognize. 

I gently sit myself down on the cushioned chair and place my hands on my lap. "So, what is this all about?" I ask. 

"Yes, do tell- I was very busy," Val says. I look up at her and roll my eyes. 

Liam watched our interaction in silence, before swallowing quite roughly. " I was having an off day after finding out about my husband cheating," He starts. "I accidently inseminated someone with your sperm, Harry,". 

Silence fills the room. I stare at the wall, collecting my thoughts, making sure I stay professional. 

" Are you sure?" I ask, attempting to keep my voice even.

"Yes, I'm positive. He's going to get a paternity test tomorrow to make sure the baby is yours," Liam explains. 

"Last time I'm trusting my friends to not be fucking stupid," I scolded, pushing myself off the chair. 

"Harry you know I didn't mean to" He pleaded. 

"well you still did it, so now what the hell am I supposed to do?! Tell me! I have a career on the line! And it's all your fault! You just impregnated a male that I have no clue who he is! He could be a prostitute for all I know!" I yell. 

"I can give you his number, and you all can talk it out!" He wailed. 

"Fine! Write it down! Because that will obviously make it better!" I yell, sarcasm laced in my tone, Liam scribbling this boy's number down. 

I rip the paper from his hand and march out of the office, my body fuming with anger. Val quickly follows behind. 

"If the baby is yours, we're going to keep it," she says to me, despite the many ears listening in. 

"not we, me. I will keep the baby," I snap at her, turning and leaving the premise. 

To be continued... 

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