Jiro: "I'll wake him up."

The three boys turn to see Jiro approaching them, holding a suitcase with the label: "21" on it.

Jiro: "Wake up!"

Jiro swung the suitcase towards his head, waking Kuuga up instantly with a small bump on his head.

Kuuga: (rubbing head) "Ow, what the fu-"

Kirishima: "Hey, you're finally awake."

Kaminari: "Hey, man, we're asked to go somewhere to have a battle or something."

Kuuga: (wincing in pain) "Okay… who smacked this suitcase on my head?"

The boys pointed towards Jiro who was already walking away.

Kuuga: (menacingly) "That girl…"

Kuuga's eyes glow as he prepares to gather mist to strangle the lazy looking girl but is stopped by Kirishima.

Kirishima: (laughing nervously) "Hey, hey, let's calm down, l-let's just suit up."

Kuuga: (sighs) "Fine."


The scene opens up to All Might inside field B, in front of a tunnel as Class 1-A emerges from it.

All Might: "Your costume is just as important, boys and girls."

The scene changes to show a close up shot of Bakugo's grenade looking gauntlets to Uraraka's waist, then to Iida's exhaust looking legs.

All Might: "From now onwards, you need to take this to heart!"

The scene changes again to a shot of Shoji, Aoyama, Asui, Iida, Uraraka, and Bakugo walking side by side.

It then changes to the shot of everyone in their respective hero costume. Kuuga, having to be the last one to emerge from the tunnel, appears to be wearing a black shirt, black trench coat, black scarf, black pants, and black boots for his costume.

All Might: "Not bad, everyone looks good! Let us begin, newbies!"

Sero approached Kuuga who pulled his scarf up to conceal his face.

Sero: "That's a cool looking costume! So casual…"

Kuuga: (closes eyes) "Thanks."

Kirishima along with Kaminari followed.

Kaminari: "Are you going on a business trip?"

Kirishima whacks his head.

Kaminari: "Ow! Sorry!"

Kirishima: "That's what you requested from the Support Company?"

Kuuga: (opens eyes) "Yes. I don't want something flashy, something low profile works for me."

Kirishima: "Ah, I see; so that the villains won't expect you!"

Kuuga: (nods) "Yes."

Kirishima began muttering something not being manly but he understood as All Might called their attention again and began to explain.

All Might: "Time for the Battle Trial."

Iida raises his hand from his Gundam looking costume.

Iida: "Sensei! This is the arena for the entrance exam. Are we having another mock battle?"

All Might: "No, it's more than that. Even though battles usually happen outdoors, statistics tell us that villains are more likely to act indoors. Imprisonment. Kidnapping. Illegal trade. In this society full of heroes, the real cunning enemies work in the dark. You will be divided into villains and heroes, and fight 2v2 indoors."

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