78. International dumb@ss bird brain

Start from the beginning

Camille: Y/N?!!


I flinched at the sudden realization that Camille was actually kept shaking me for the past 2 minutes, and even kept shout my name.

I just blinked my eyes at Camille's innocent once, even though I didn't really think that it was that innocent.

Camille: Are you Ok?

For once I never thought a psychopath would be having that concerned expression before, or maybe she's just acting, because there's a person with us, the driver of the cab/ taxi.

I just nodded reassuring her that I'm perfectly fine, Camille just quickly brought back her cheerful smile and then shifted her gaze at the window.

Well...I actually signed up for this. It's good to feel free for once after 2 and a half months, and actually with a girl..I wonder what kind of clothing style Camille has?

Y/n: Umm.. Camille, where are we going by the way..

I asked hesitantly. She turned her attention to me and looked at me curiously while tilting her head, that act might be cute normally but to me, it's creepy, specially with that emotionless eyes that definitely didn't fit to her innocent smiling act, CREEPY!!!

Camille: Oh? I thought of going shopping then we'll be going to my house paying some video games!

She happily replied with that creepy Sadistic eyes tht reflects nothing but satisfaction, emotionless and possibly creepy plans inside her psychotic brain.

Y/n: Oh! what games do you have?!

I suddenly blurted out in excitement, since I'm a fan at playing video games. I'm once addicted to those I gotta admit.(raise you hand if you can't relate; me:✋😌)

Camille: *Mention different popular games*

I kept listening to her offering games to play, actually almost 80% of the games she offeres are already on the family gaming room. I'm also kinda interested on some of the games she offeres that is very awesome to play as she told!

Since it's been years that I haven't played any video games..I kinda didn't know the good games that just recently got published over the years of my absence from the gaming world.

Y/n: Wait–Do you have any recommendations on computer games..Oppa brought me one computer, and I'm hella bored with it!

Camille: Sorry I don't know any..just video games and mobile games!

She has that sweet smile, she's a little sad though it's quite clear on her tone, Mobile games? Maybe I should ask Jimin-oppa for those types of games.

While I was thinking Camille observed me, I think she thought I was over thinking of those computer games.

Camille: Mm? Y/n do have any where you like to go after shopping?

I looked at her all weirded out. Do I want to go anywhere? Well I do like to go back to the company because I almost forgotten that I left my favorite booklet there when I last visited. I also wondered if Kris is okay..

Y/n: No I don't know anything about Seoul, so I don't know any interesting places here.

Camille: Seriously?....

'I mean many people wanted to step foot on Seoul and now your here and doesn't have any knowledge of the city?!' Camille thought as she kept her annoyed forced smile.

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