57: Thunder, A new story

Start from the beginning

Harshly, the sheets were ripped from their body. The man's eyes opened, they widened terrified. Violently, he was dragged out of his bed; away from the comfort of his mate and child. Forcibly, Jungkook removed him from the illusory safety he believed to have. The man squirmed in the Alpha's grasp, he screamed, yet, Jungkook's hand muffled them, turning them into nothing more than a breeze. Into their living room, he was taken. There, Jungkook pushed him against the wall; thunder lit up the room, exposing his face to the True Alpha. Blended with the shadows, with the darkness of the room, only the red bloody eyes glowed. And yet, the man knew who he faced. Lingering moments went by, minutes that felt like hours. Shaking, the man, horrified, hated the way the True Alpha studied him. This kill Jungkook wouldn't want to forget, he was going to enjoy it, he was going to bathe himself in it every night, before going to sleep. He wanted to remember his face to the smallest of the details, to remember the sounds of gore, the screams and the tears. He wanted to be able to come back home and offer his mate peace, to tell her everything was rightfully just, now. To see her breath of relief, to be able to, at last, put away Fai's toys and bit by bit, together, move forward. He no longer wished to have that somber feeling coat the cabin he had put so much work into doing. He didn't want the hovering disgusting smell of terror and grieve to paint the walls of his house; the same ones Jungkook had delicately and wholeheartedly decorated with dreams and tenderness for the family he was building. He didn't want to hear her cry no more. To feel her sob against his chest. He wanted... Jungkook wanted closure. He wanted to wash away the guilt that both him and Hani were being swallowed by.

With all these thoughts penetrating his conscience, Jungkook became selfishly blind, yet, aware of the things he was about to do and above all, proud of them. The True Alpha opened the door that separated the living room from the room where the man's mate and son still sleep. Clutching harshly the man's face, he obliged him into staring at his family. His jaws were tingling with numbness, his cheeks were growing purple, he choked on his own breathing.

"I had that too. You took that from me when you killed my son" Through gritted teeth, the True Alpha, using the powerful, intimidating tone of his voice, whispered against the man's ears. Snickering, his hold on his face heightened; the man's body jolted in his hands. "You're not f*cking allowed to keep yours, after what you did to mine. Let's even things out, shall we?"

The door slammed shut, the man's body crashed with the table, shattering it one single blow. Outside, in the bedroom, the small boy stirred awake. The lightning thundered violently, the light flashed in the room and he could see that someone other than his father was in the living room. However, he didn't dare to move. On the contrary, he froze and had it not been for his mother who pulled him against his chest protectively, once she too woke up, he would have stayed there, following the shadows with his eyes. The roaring blended with the sound of things falling, shattering, breaking; it swallowed in mercilessly the horrifying screams of pain that echoed in the house. Blood swam inside the room; splashes and splatters sneaked inside, painting the carpet of the bedroom in a darker shade – the shade of the True Alpha's eyes. The walls shook in complain, threatening to fall, as something was continuously, persistently, never-endingly slammed against it. The screams slowly became less; less strong, less loud, less painful, less prominent to the ear. Yet, they knew that didn't signify the end was near. For, in fact, Jungkook had lost the notion of life and death. Even with the man under him, limp, motionless, silent and devoid of all breathing and heart beating; the True Alpha's blows only increased. He wasn't there to kill, to simply put an end to things. He was there to utterly erase any traces of humanity, of existence in the man – to erase the image of Fai's dead body out of his mind. Jungkook only stopped, once he realized there was nothing there left for him to destroy.

Wobbly, he got up. Panting, he grazed his fingers through his dark long locks, rubbed his face, as if forcing himself to snap back to reality. Not an ounce of sympathy or compassion glimmered in his red eyes, as he stared at the cluster of messy, bruised and bloody limps at his feet. And not even once did he look around to realize the chaos he had brought to that pack, to that house, to that family. He simply walked out, covered in blood from head to toe; dripping from his hair, his fingers, tainting his skin and clothes like poison does. Just as fast as he arrived, just as fast he was leaving.

The True Alpha: Bad Blood //jjkWhere stories live. Discover now