Chapter 30 - Shallows

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The banquet had officially ended but people still stayed and ate what was left out, danced to the music that was still playing just because there were still people there, and continued to drink until the bar service was finally shut down. The moon was high in the sky, beckoning for people to go home and sleep.

"Are you sure you're okay to walk with me back down to the Shallows? You've had a few drinks tonight," Kinsley asked Cerno as he held her hand and walked with her. They had used the excuse with Nan Edna that they were getting some of Kinsley's things in order to leave the mansion without much fuss.

"Why would you think I wouldn't be okay?" he asked with a bubbly chuckle.

"Because you were dancing with Sam about 15 minutes ago and told him he was beautiful. Then as you were trying to do a sort of curtsy bow to him, you kept right on going and fell over."

"I am beautiful!" Samuel laughed from behind them, flipping his non-existent long hair over his shoulder.

Kinsley giggled.

"I thought you had to stay behind and help with clean up?" Cerno asked, surprised to see Samuel.

"You're my number one duty, Cer. Your safety comes before babysitting the housekeeping."

"Doody is number two," Cerno laughed out.

"You're such a child!" Kinsley scowled at his horrible joke.

Cerno smirked. He definitely was extremely tipsy, but he was mostly just acting like a fool for the fun of it. As they approached close to Kinsley's house, Cerno slowed noticing a large group of people standing and waiting outside. Oh crap, he thought.

"Relax. They're here to congratulate and welcome their new Lord. No speeches necessary," Kinsley chuckled, hearing Cerno's panic in possibly needing to make up a speech on the fly.

"Congratulations, Lord Cerno," Mr. Carson was the first to speak out and walk up to Cerno to shake his hand. He was a man in his late-40's, but his hair was already completely white.

"And happy Of Age birthday," Alice added in, stepping up next and wrapping her arms around him in a hug. "Everyone is here to celebrate you and to give you their thanks," she advised, beaming so brightly at him that she could be the sun that rose in the morning and no one would be the wiser.

"We're all ready to follow you," Mr. Carson stated. "Here, to Saorsa, wherever you lead. You've called, and we're ready to go."

Cerno smiled and let his gaze drift across everyone. There were easily 60 or so adults standing before him, all of the children in their beds this late into the evening. "Thank you, everyone," he said happily. "And thank you for understanding the urgency causing this change in such short notice."

"Of course, dear," Mrs. Sable said sweetly. "We've all been ready to go for over a week and just chompin' at the bits to leave!" she giggled. A murmur went through the crowd as all of them agreed with her statement.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? If you'll show me where all of the personal belongings are being kept so I can get them squared away, then you'll be able to rest or finish up any last minute tasks before you leave on our new adventure." His heart felt full with the feelings of love and excitement that surrounded him. This gathering meant his city was really happening. It was built, and it was about to welcome her first citizens. He wondered how long it would take before Sheja would hear about it and come if she was, in fact, still alive.

"She'll come," Kinsley assured quietly as her mother lead them towards the first house holding belongings. She wrapped her arm through his and gave it a gentle hug, not needing to hear his thoughts to know what he was thinking. "Sheja will come, you'll see."

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