Chapter 47 - Firecracker

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In the following years after the funeral, Cerno worked from the office in his manor and kept to himself. He hardly went down into the life of the city and when he did, he usually wore his cloak to keep himself inconspicuous. Cerno was still very up to date with the news that was carried around his city, but outside of business, he hadn't gifted his time to anyone since the funeral. If someone requested an "appointment" just to see him, he would have it canceled immediately. Eventually, everyone left him alone...just like he wished they would.

Alice had been the most persistent to try see him, but he refused to see her or any of Kinsley's sisters, not even allowing a quick stop by to say hello. The news of Khasta being proposed to just shy of her Of Age birthday spread quickly though, the original citizens from the Shallows throwing a big celebration. Kira was now eight but was just starting to really show that she, like Khasta, had inherited Alice's ability. Around Klaudette's tenth birthday, Klaudie let it slip that she might be able to hear thoughts just like Kinsley could, but she refused to admit to it. And unfortunately for the Kincaide family, middle child Katarina still didn't show any visible signs of strong abilities.

Lorelei was the next persistent, even having tried to break into his manor shortly after she had given birth to a healthy baby girl whom she named McKenzie. As promised, Cerno had granted Samuel to be present during her arrival and heard that Lorelei had chosen the name partially to honor Kinsley. In apology for his absence during the birth of his "sister" (that he truly wasn't sorry for not attending), he had a gift delivered to their home in his respects. Additionally, Cerno refused to admit how much the name made his heart ache.

Additionally, his Guardianship grew as a couple attempts on his life were made. People hearing about the city harboring Taboos and coming to try take out it's leader never surprised him. In fact, he was content that his plan of having Saorsa so far out in the middle of nowhere definitely helped keep the attempts far and few between.

"Your birthday is in a few days, Sir," Rosalie stated happily, her hands folded behind her back after delivering a stack of paperwork received by Hannah who was still desked at City Hall. She tucked a strand of her lightened hair behind her ear. Without the need to hide from Mathias anymore, she had done away with her average dark brown hair shortly after the funeral.

"The day after tomorrow to be exact. What is your point, Miss Thurston?" he asked flatly, not an ounce of enthusiasm in his voice.

"You should come down to the market and assist with picking out some of the produce for the banquet."

"I'm not even going to be in attendance of said banquet. I will be in my room enjoying a bottle of Sinne. That said, I'm not even sure why you keep insisting we hold one every year," Cerno said in annoyance. These banquets reminded him of his teenage years except the people actually did come to celebrate him now...and now he wished they wouldn't. Everything was backwards. He wasn't even sure when or how he agreed for the banquets to be at his manor instead of at City Hall.

"Because the people want to celebrate you," she answered, parroting his thoughts. "Maybe if you try to have a more positive outlook on life again, positivity will begin to come back to you."

"I'm not alive for positivity, Rosalie," he said, standing to grab a book from a nearby bookshelf. He opened it and flipped through a few pages before returning it to its spot and sitting back down. "I'm only alive to—"

"—to make sure the people have Saorsa. Yeah, yeah, I know," Rosalie mocked, getting a stern glare from Cerno. "Glare at me all you want." She hefted a huge, annoyed sigh. "It's been four years, Sir. We all want to see you happy again. When will you try to find happiness again?"

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