Chapter 39 - Marionette

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Jhonnis stood over the stove, carefully stirring a large pot with a metal spoon. He smiled and turned off the heat, moving the pot to a cooler spot to sit. He grabbed a cup from the cupboard.

"What did you ruin? The smell is bad," Shai laughed as she swept the entryway into their little house. She had been very content the last several weeks, Jhonnis having provided as much care as possible for her and this city being very welcoming of her gift.

He smirked as he held his hand over the pot, the steam instantly vanishing and little ice crystals forming around the metal of the cooking vessel. He ladled some of the dark liquid into the cup and held it out to the young girl. "Drink this," he instructed.

"What is it?" she asked. She leaned the broom against the wall and walked over to him, taking it.

"Juice. I infused it with something that will help your abilities to see thoughts better," he answered her, eyeing her as she sniffed it.

Shai took a drink and immediately grimaced. "Tastes awful."

Jhonnis smirked. "Normally it would go in alcohol so the taste is less noticeable, but you're too young for alcohol." He motioned for her to finish it.

She took a deep breath and plugged her nose before tilting her head back and chugging the rest of the cup down. She let out a little burp and covered her mouth with a disgusted frown. "Excuse me."

"That's a good girl, Salashai. The ones I'll have you drink in the future will be easier to take, I promise." He took the empty cup back and set it in the kitchen sink, rinsing it out. "We'll keep your thought-reading strong, you'll be able to help with bargaining and other special tasks."

"When will we go find my parents, Jhon?" Shai asked, turning to pick up the broom again. Suddenly, she froze as thoughts he didn't intend for her to see floated across the air like a whisp. "What do you mean you have no plans to take me home?" she complained, turning on him. In an instant, she realized she could no longer see his face as it had become a distorted blur. Trying to think about what he even looked like, it was like the information was just...missing. She had been under his care for about a month and confusion was seeping in as she suddenly couldn't remember anything about what he looked like.

"You're going to help me kill my daughter if she ever arrives here," Jhonnis admitted openly. Now that his plan was in play, there was no use hiding any of his thoughts from her anymore. Salashai drinking his potion meant that she was coming under his control and she wouldn't be able to out his dirty plans to anyone.

"Kill? I don't kill," she said. As she turned toward the door, her body stopped mid-stride and against her will, she turned back to face Jhonnis again. Her heart was racing in her chest as fear easily replaced her confusion. "Wha...what..."

"You're my property now, Shai, and you will do my bidding for me. I won't let a Timekeeper see me, so you will be taking the fall. Understood?" he asked with a malicious tone in his voice. He leaned against the kitchen counter and folded his arms across his chest.

Struggling, Salashai let out a cry as whatever he had given her had a tight grasp on her whole body. She had next to no control over herself.

"Now, you will be a good girl and go to your room. I will keep you fed, clothed, and warm. You will not speak unless instructed, you will not leave this house, and you will do as you are told."

"Why could I not see your hate? How have you hidden your thoughts?"

"Enough talking!" he barked loudly at her, straightening up tall again as he pushed away from the counter. "You Taboos are all the same. Disgusting creatures. I would have let you die and pissed on your corpse if I didn't see use for you." As he grinned darkly, the scars all over his face distorted to the point that he looked more demonic through the blur. "I advise you just let the potion take control and do as you are told, otherwise you'll feel greater torment from me than you did from your kidnappers."

Without another complaint and completely against her will, Salashai turned and quietly walked to her room. Once inside, she sat down on her bed and having the ability to move freely again for the moment, she put her hands up to her face and began to cry. Any time she thought about making her body move to try escape or to yell at the top of her lungs for help, her body froze and wouldn't respond. Shai quickly realized it was no use...she had no way to fight against him or get herself help.

Jhonnis smirked and poured the potion into a pitcher before sticking it into the fridge for safe keeping. "You stay here and don't answer the door for anyone," he instructed her. "I start my new job today at the brewery so I can keep a roof over your head. Although, I'd keep you in the shed if that wouldn't look suspicious," he spat.

Shai flinched at his words and crawled further onto her bed, burying her face into her pillow. She feared what her future was going to look like now that Jhonnis showed his true self to her. She was just shy of 11 years old, but she understood the torment Jhonnis was about to bring upon her. She was in a city that would actually love her but stuck in the possession of a demonic seed that hid his dark and cruel plan of hate in the shadows. He was already no better than her kidnappers.

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