Chapter 19 - Studies

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Kinsley slowly opened her eyes and stretched, thankful they were able to sleep in today. The rain was still pounding on the roof as she sat up and yawned, rubbing her face to try get the sleep out of her eyes. She noticed that other than the rain, the room was quiet and looking over to Cerno's side of the bed, a lump of blankets she thought to be him...was just a pile of blankets. Walking out to the living room, she saw Cerno at the dining room table with textbooks spread out around him. She smiled at how gorgeous he could look in just a gray muscle shirt and sweats. "Look at you being responsible. Thought you claimed you didn't need the extra study time?"

Cerno chuckled and stood up to face her. He met her halfway across the room and kissed her gently. "Good morning," he said. "I don't, but might as well not waste the time. There is breakfast for you in the kitchen."

"Thanks," she said as she went for the coffee before food.

"Reports say the rain is staying for a few days, and the thunderstorms should be back again tonight," Cerno advised as he sat back down.

"Damn, I was going to go get groceries today," she groaned. "I don't want to walk in this."

"I already did it," he replied, turning a page in his Herbology textbook.

"You? You did the shopping?"

"Like it was hard?" he laughed. "Plus, I wanted to give you less to worry about so you could focus on studying, too."

"Also, how come you were the one who got up so early? I feel like you should still be sleeping."

"Nan's screwed up my sleep schedule so much that I'm used to not getting much sleep when I know there is a lot to be done," Cerno admitted, not looking up from his textbook. "Not for a better lack of trying though," he added.

As she sat next to him with a plate of random breakfast items and already chewing on a piece of toast, she watched him silently. "How's your head?" she finally asked.

"It's busy," he replied truthfully. "But surprisingly less chaotic than it has been the last few days."

Kinsley stood back up and shifted herself over to his seat, wedging herself between him and the table as she sat across his lap. "How about now?" she giggled, holding up a piece of bacon for him to have a bite of.

Cerno chuckled, leaning back and wrapping his arms around her as she came between him and his studying. "I thought it was you that was preaching about how important studying was going to be this week?" He grinned.

Kinsley shrugged and smirked. She licked her fingers clean after finishing off her piece of bacon then frowned. "Damn, I only have one more yummy thing to nibble on..."

"What are you talking about? Your whole plate is—" Cerno closed his eyes as Kinsley suddenly leaned over and began to nibble the side of his neck. She was usually never the one to instigate their little play times and his heart leapt in instant excitement. "...what are you doing?" he moaned out softly.

"Trying to help lessen the chaos that still remains in your mind," she murmured in his ear.

He smirked. "This doesn't lessen the chaos, but it does create better chaos," he teased, his hand trailing under her tank top and along her side. "I'm guessing I'm not studying for a little bit, am I..."

"Definitely not Herbology. How about Anatomy instead?" she asked before she nibbled on his earlobe.

Without another question, Cerno hooked one arm under her knees before he stood, lifting her up and carrying her over to the couch. His mouth was quick to find hers as he laid her down, laying himself over her and holding her thigh as it trailed up high onto his side. As her mouth broke away from his, he shifted his kisses to her neck again and a soft sound of want breathed out across her parted lips. As her body rolled up against his, he shifted his hips against her and panted as she rubbed against his hardness. "I know we did this on Friday, but we shouldn't now," he groaned quietly. Although his words said 'no,' he couldn't keep himself from grinding his erection against her at least one more time.

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