Chapter 13 - Home

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After getting all the paperwork and permits he needed, it only took Cerno two weeks to have his new little two-bedroom home built. He knew he could have had it completed sooner if he could have worked under more than just nightfall. It was only him by himself working to build it, and he still didn't want to raise suspicions as a home normally took a team of Creation sources.

As the last touch to the structure was completed, he stepped inside and turned on the living room light for the first time. His heart filled with pride and overflowed with happiness as this was his. He couldn't wait to show it off to Kinsley and he hoped she would love it just as much.

Over the next three days, he stayed alone in the house overnight as he finished furnishing everything. Curling up in his bed to go to sleep on the third night after everything was done, he laid quietly and stared at the ceiling. He suddenly realized that he didn't like being alone as much as he thought he would and there was one thing still missing from his new home: Kinsley. He immediately crawled out of bed and threw his clothes back on.

In order to try avoid people after donning his black cloak, Cerno attempted a technique he had heard his father could use and made his way to the girl's dormitory. It's after curfew...if this Shadow thing doesn't work and I get caught in their dorms, I'm sooo fucked, he thought to himself.

Managing to pass several groups of people without them so much as even turning to look at him, he smiled knowing he was doing it right and they couldn't see him. He quickly climbed the three flights to Kinsley's floor and stood outside her door, hesitating. He knew if he knocked, someone else in a nearby room would poke their head out of their own door to be nosey.

Kinsley? he tried to think as loud as he could.

Nothing happened over the next minute.

Kinsley, are you awake?

He sighed as another minute passed without her coming to the door.

Kinsley, come out here and tell me you'll marry me...

After another half a minute, he heard the deadbolt disengage and the door slowly cracked open.

"Chris?" a robed Kinsley whispered as she stuck her head out the door and looked both ways down the hallway. She couldn't see him standing right in front of her. "I must be losing my dang mind..."

"I'm right here," he said softly with a chuckle.

Kinsley jumped and again looked around frantically, still not seeing him.

"I'm using a Shadow ability. I'm here, I promise," he assured her as he reached out and touched her hand.

Suddenly she could see his body because it was made obvious to her from his touch, but his face was a blur beneath his cloak. "I don't like it," she said flatly, stepping into the hallway and closing the door.

"Well, I didn't want to get caught sneaking up here."

"Fair. Why are you here? It's late, you should be asleep."

"I was staying at the new place and I couldn't sleep," he started. "I was hoping I could ask you to come stay with me?" She could definitely hear him blushing.

"I'm not 16 yet," Kinsley answered. "I can't move away from the dorm for another five weeks."

"You aren't moving, just staying the night..." Cerno watched her process his words for a minute.

"Okay," she answered finally. "Let me grab a few things and my book bag. Wait here since Sadie is asleep."

Cerno smiled wide. As she reemerged a few minutes later with her own cloak, Cerno took her backpack to carry it for her. Once safely out of the dormitory, he dropped his Shadow ability but kept his hood up to hide his face so Kinsley didn't appear to be walking alone.

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