Chapter 26 - Busted

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Cerno stirred slowly hearing hooves on the ground close to them. He rubbed his eyes and looked up to see Samuel sitting atop Gallant, leaning over on his horse and staring down at him. "Morning, Sam," he said quietly, a yawn interrupting the middle of his greeting. He realized the rain had stopped and the sun was trying to push through the clouds.

"Morning. Was your own bed not good enough last night?" he smirked.

"Nope. It didn't have her in it," Cerno replied, carefully pulling back the blanketing to reveal a still sound asleep Kinsley tucked up against his side. He slowly lowered the blanket back over her as her face slightly screwed up at the sunlight on her face.

"Well, you two need to get back into town. She scared the shit out of Kurt when he found she wasn't home this morning. Additionally, you both have formal fittings to attend today."

"I can't afford that dress, let alone the fitting," Kinsley groaned sleepily from under the blanket. "Did you see the price tag on that thing? Ridiculous."

Samuel and Cerno both chuckled at her.

"When are you going to learn? I've already paid for it," Cerno advised softly.

"Why did you do that?" she complained. "I don't want that spent on me. Take it back."

"While I have no qualms about what anyone wears, it's a coronation and therefore the counsel requires everyone to dress formally. And I can't properly announce my marriage proposal tonight if the intended recipient isn't there, can I?"

Kinsley gasped and sat straight up, her face filled with realization. "Shit, that's tonight."

Samuel laughed hearing Kinsley swear. "Not getting cold feet, are you?" he joked.

"She still has about seven more weeks to get cold feet. She can't officially answer me tonight." Cerno let out a sigh as he sat up. "I just wish I didn't have to spend the afternoon with Marissa schmoozing up to me."

"Wait, what? Why do you have to spend it with her?" Kinsley asked, instantly looking angry.

"Whoa there, Miss Jealous," Samuel smirked. "The counsel still thinks he's announcing his proposal to her. Additionally, neither the Duke nor Grand Madame know that Marissa's family absolutely can't control him. They're going to try everything today to sway his mind."

"Another reason we stayed in Saorsa as long as we could," Cerno added, rolling his neck around his shoulders in a stretch. "That way they couldn't realize I'm not affected by them, either."

"But Marissa knows you're not affected by her from the one day she threatened me," Kinsley advised.

"She's had source training since then thanks to Year Four. Also, her father will be there. I'm going to make her think she has control." Cerno sighed before continuing, "I know for a fact, if I act the way I'd prefer around her, Nan or Itham would do everything to try shut down the coronation. So, I've needed to hold out until it's too late for them."

"So it's purely for aesthetics?"

Cerno nodded. He sighed again and groaned in irritation. "How can the best birthday have the worst afternoon?" He looked up at Samuel. "I mean, can I sneak away and hide occasionally? I don't think I can keep up a believable façade around Marissa for too long. Especially if she starts getting clingy."

Samuel smirked with a half shrug. "Fine by me."

"Also, please make sure Kurt and at least two security personnel have their eyes on Kinsley starting tonight."

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