Chapter 27 - Manipulated

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After parting ways at the entrance to the mansion, Samuel took the horses off to the stables as Cerno ran inside to meet with the tailor. It took less time for his tuxedo to be fitted properly than he spent waiting during Kinsley's fitting.

"I'll have it done in about two hours, Master Cerno," the old man said as he hung the jacket up on a hanger. "Can't wait for your coronation this evening, been waiting a long time to see you take your rightful seat."

"Thank you, Mr. Dayson. That means a lot," Cerno said, giving the man's hand a polite shake. He stepped out of the office and took the stairs on the main staircase two at a time, trying to get up to his room without being seen. Just as he stepped into his room, he stopped, his eyes focused on a particular brunette laying across his bed. He quickly noticed her orange sundress, and more specifically how short it was as her ass cheeks were peeking out from under the hem. He knew he was going to have to spend time with her at some point today, but he was hoping he wouldn't have to this soon. "What are you doing in my room?"

Marissa gave a pathetic gasp of 'shock' and scrambled to her feet. She brushed down the front of her dress as she slowly approached him. "I came to see you since you didn't come to the luncheon. You weren't here but I knew you'd be back, so I waited. Happy birthday, by the way."

"This is my bedroom. This is private space that no one is welcome to without my permission."

"I know, but it'll soon be our bedroom, so I figured it was okay."

"You thought wrong," he said, turning away from her and towards his bathroom.

"Wait," she said, starting to follow him. "Can we Please?"

"And what could you want to talk about, Marissa? Which building in Ralnsah has the highest but most accessible roof to walk my girlfriend off of? Test answers so you can graduate easier next year?"

"No," Marissa said, sounding hurt. "I...I wanted to apologize."

"You? You, apologize?" he asked, turning back to face her again.

Marissa walked back over and sat down on the side of his bed. She folded her hands in her lap and tilted her head down. "I know I was a bitch and yeah, I chased you 'cause I wanted you for myself. But the arranged marriage? Whether you believe me or not, I had nothing to do with it." Her voice was soft, sullen. She seemed like she was upset but trying to hide it as best she could. "After I really watched you and Kinsley? I knew I couldn't compare with her. I was jealous, but I knew your love for each other was real. Mine was just infatuation with who you are."

This side of Marissa seemed to take Cerno off guard a bit. "Why are you telling me this?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"Because I don't want you to hate me like I know you do," she said, still not looking up at him.

He studied Marissa for a moment. Her shoulders had drooped a bit with her admittance and she seemed to be telling the truth. "I...I don't hate you, Marissa," he stated. "I hate your way of treating others. It's not the kind of behavior I want to see in my city."

"I'm sorry," she said as she wiped her face before looking back up at him finally. "How do we get out of this arrangement?"

Cerno was really caught off guard now. "I thought you of all people would have been most excited about it."

She quickly shook her head. "I was, initially. But then all the stares I got after our arrangement was announced? The disdain you seethed at me? I...I didn't like any of it. I don't think I could live like that."

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