Chapter 3 - Defiant

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"Where have you been?" Nan yelled furiously as Cerno came walking in through the side entrance to the kitchen. She knew he would try sneak in and had stationed herself at a kitchen island with a cup of coffee. The kitchen buzzed all around her as it was obviously preparing for a banquet and several chefs looked annoyed at her being in their way.

Cerno growled under his breath in his own annoyance. "I was out riding Arianell. I was spending time alone with my thoughts," he said in a much calmer tone to try sound respectful to his grandmother.

"That settles it then," she growled lowly at him. "I will have the stables locked and you will follow orders if you would like to ride again!"

"That is my horse and you have no say in keeping her from me!" he argued, losing his calm. Aria had been his only friend and he felt like he would have nothing if she was taken away.

"Then you do not leave your security detail behind ever again, you understand?"

Cerno folded his arms across his chest, his eyes darkening as he glared at her. "I will go where I want, went I want, and you will not stop me."

"Is that so?" Nan Edna asked, returning his glare as she got to her feet. "You are only 15 years old. You will still listen to what I say. I am your elder and you will respect my rules until you turn Of Age."

"If you force me to such ridiculousness as constantly being babysat, then you will rue the day I turn 19, Nan," he growled with a danger and seriousness in his voice. He instantly seemed like a full grown adult stuck in a teenager's body to Nan, and no doubt he was with how quick he had been forced to make adult decisions for the city in his father's stead. "You make my decision to leave Ralnsah when I come Of Age that much easier."

"Leave? You don't have the option to leave, Cerno. This city demands your leadership," she scoffed as she went to refill her coffee mug.

"If you want me to stay and be a leader, then starting today, I demand to be treated like a leader. As a teenager, I shouldn't have to be careful. Most other boys my age in the city are rough and tumble, careless...but because of all of your training and grooming for me to become my father, I feel I am old enough to understand my decisions and make my own choices. It's like I have no choices but those of an adult and therefore, if I cannot enjoy my last few reckless years of childhood, I would like to be treated as an adult. And as far as safety, I inherited my dad's abilities and I can protect myself without Samuel around." Cerno stopped for a moment and sighed sadly. "Let me be responsible for myself, Nan. If I make one dire mistake any time within the next year, then you have my word that I will stay under your guard until I turn 19."

Nan was hesitant to accept but she smirked. "Fine. It's a deal. But one screw up and you're ass is under lock and key with no argument, got it?" She knew it wouldn't take long for him to mess up.

"Deal. I will prove to you that I am capable. And after one year without issue..." he paused as his eyes met hers with full seriousness again, " will no longer have any control over me."

"Actually, that part is incorrect whether you like it or not. I am under order to hold all of your inheritance until your coronation into Lordship. You technically have nothing but a name."

"It's just money and a mansion," he scoffed as he walked past her, heading to the hallway and towards the stairs to the second floor. Samuel was sitting in the living room and he leaned on the banister once he was halfway to the top. "It was a gorgeous ride this morning, too bad you weren't able to join me," he sneered. As he started back up the steps again, he added, "By the way, you'll need to add Saul and his family to the guest list for tonight."

The Raven's ReflectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora