Chapter 14 - Affected

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"Can it be over yet?" Kinsley groaned.

"Just a few more weeks," Cerno stated. "You know, I still say that if you were failing math and Herbology, you should have just let me know," he chuckled, holding her hand in his as he walked her to class. She had failed two third-year classes and was just about to finish playing summertime catch up. He didn't mind so much as it gave him an excuse to stay in Oideachas on the weekdays before Year Four classes began. Life felt normal when they were here.

"You had enough on your plate during Year Three," she replied, hanging her head. "I mean, shit, your Nan had you holed up our entire weekends. You were even using your free periods for Ralnsah tasks. Did you even sleep while home?"

"Not much, no," he admitted, scratching the back of his head.

"See? I couldn't bring myself to bother you for help."

"But Kins, that's what we're meant to do. You help me, I help you," he said as he stopped her just before they reached the building where Herbology classes took place. He turned her to face him and laid his hands on her sides to pull her close. "I would have completely bombed Chemistry if it wasn't for you."

"But it's more important that you finish."

"No way," Cerno immediately argued. "It's important that we finish. We promised we would finish together. I'm sorry that I'm the one putting you on a crunch with it though."

"Is this little shit the reason you wouldn't go to the movies with me?" a sassy, snottish voice pipped up, grabbing their attention. "Ha, nothing much to look at, is she."

Both Kinsley and Cerno looked up at the voice. Kinsley looked confused and Cerno instantly looked angry seeing Marissa.

"No, I wouldn't go with you because you're a floosy little Succubus who wanted me to cheat on my girlfriend," Cerno answered flatly. Be careful...I don't have a good feeling and she has some sort of Manipulation source, he warned Kinsley.

"Succubus!?" Marissa growled. Suddenly two more girls came up behind her upon seeing her get angry.

"...he called you a floosy and you're pissed about the Succubus part?" Kinsley frowned.

Marissa tilted her head to the side as she eyed Kinsley. As she spoke up, it was clear she was speaking to Cerno. "I'm aware that you know I have abilities and that they don't work on you so well," she started as an evil grin spread on her red lips. Her eyes temporarily shifted to the top of the Herbology building before eyeing Kinsley again. "But how about your little charity case here? I could probably walk her off the top of this building..."

Cerno growled dangerously. "Kinsley and I are not people you want to mess with. Harm her, and no one will ever find you."

"Hear that, girls? So threatening."

"What do you want, Marissa?" Cerno pulled Kinsley tightly to his side, keeping her close in case Marissa tried something.

"Just you, Chris." Marissa shifted her body and smirked. "Well, actually...moreso that spot at your side when you turn 19."

"Fuck off."

"I'm serious, Chris," she said as she walked right up to him.

Kinsley growled and turned herself in toward Cerno's body, placing herself between him and Marissa.

Marissa scoffed at Kinsley's action. "You think you're going to stop me from becoming the Lady of Ralnsah?"

Both Cerno and Kinsley froze.

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