Chapter 52 - Welcome Back To Cybertron

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"I-I think so." She answered. 

"Is there a light switch anywhere in here?" Vaughan asked. 

"I got something!" Spike spoke up. After that, there was a blinding light. "It's a Photon Flashlight. Wheeljack gave it to me."

"That thing is brighter than all the flashlights on Earth, combined!" Vaughan muttered as she shielded her eyes. 

"Carly, can you get up?" Spike asked, kneeling down at the edge.

"I think so." The blonde attempted to stand, her lips pressed together with a hiss. "Ow! I must have twisted my ankle."

"Hang tight, we're coming down." said Vaughan. 

Spike placed the flashlight between his arm and ribs as he and Vaughan slid down the sink hole and met up with Carly at the bottom. They spotted a ladder, that led down through a tunnel. This had to be the exit Sparkplug told them about. 

Spike was the first one down while Carly and Vaughan followed behind them. 

So far Shockwave hasn't made a move. 


But it was only a matter of time. He wouldn't want them to get their hands on the Cybertonium. 

Once they reached the bottom of the ladder, they exited a narrow hallway and entered a large room. There were computers lined up a long the walls and there was also a pile of energon cubes. 

"Where did those cubes come from?" Spike thought a loud. "I thought the planet was all out of energy."

"Leave the cubes, we need to find Cybertonium." Sparkplug reminded. 

"Which way are we heading now?" Vaughan asked. 

"Keep going straight a head. There should be an exit that leads out to the city." Sparkplug answered. 

"Roger that dad." Spike replied, ending the transmission. 

To cover more ground, Spike took Carly's arm and wrapped it around his neck to help carry her, that way she wouldn't have to keep walking on her twisted ankle. Vaughan smiled at the pair. She was glad the two decided to be together. They seemed to suit each other. 

As the three of them ran, the sound of something rolling against the floor caught there attention. They hid behind a pillar as Vaughan peeked over to the side, seeing a giant android patrolling the halls.

"We need to get out of here, now!" Vaughan stated as she took the lead towards the door. She jumped, pressing a button, making the door open. "You guys go on a head, I'll check up."

They nodded, Spike guiding Carly out the door. 

Once they were gone, Vaughan turned and faced the android as it cruise towards her. Once it got close enough, Vaughan fired a soundwave blast at it, pushing it back and crashing into one of them pillars. The robot smashed in half, pieces falling to the floor. 

"Nice try Shockwave." Vaughan grinned as she ran out of the room, just as the door was closing. 

She caught up to Spike and Carly who were waiting for just down the street. This time, Spike was carrying Carly, bridal style. 

As they walked, Vaughan couldn't help but feel that they were being watched. She turned her head over to the side, seeing a shadow of a tall figure. She gasped, rubbing her eyes as she turned her body in the direction of the figure. But when she opened her eyes, the shadow was gone.

"Wha--?" She mumbled.

"Vaughan, are you coming?" Carly called.

"Right behind you!" Vaughan yelled as she turned, running back towards the pair.

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