Chapter Thirty Two

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Henry blinked as he awoke the next day. It hadn't felt as if he'd been asleep that long but he could hear the crew milling about on the deck.

How long was I out? Henry thought as he propped himself up on his elbows. "Claudine?"

"She's up on the deck cap'n," Derek told him as he made his way into the crew's quarters. "We'd figured we'd let you sleep, considering the last time you got more than three hours since Claudine left was when Ryan knocked you out."

Henry sighed. "Thanks she okay?"

Derek nodded and gave Henry a big smile. "Ryan told me by the way. Congrats cap'n."

"Thanks," Henry said, smiling himself.

"We haven't told the rest of the crew, in case you and the Captainess wanted to announce it yourself."

"Again, that is not a word," Henry said with a chuckled as he got up.

Derek smiled. "Hey, you do know how to laugh! Haven't heard that in a while cap'n."

"I know," Henry sighed. "It''s been a rough time is all."

"I know mate," Derek said gently. "But we're happy to see you smile again, and laugh."

Henry gave him a small smile. "Why do you guys put up with me?"

"Because you're our Captain. For Ryan and me? You're our best mate, practically our brother," Derek told him. "And that will never change. Even when you're some boring married guy."

Henry gave him a small chuckle.

"Come on, it won't be long before one of the girls realizes Claudine's wearing your medallion," Derek told him. "It may not be a ring but they'll still know."

"True, you lot are one damn observant crew," Henry nodded. "Though...between you and me Derek? If we ever get to we get to Auradon, I want to do the thing properly. Claudine deserves that."

Derek gave him a smile. "We'll make it happen," he said as they made their way up to the deck. Henry smiled as he saw Claudine surrounded by the other crew members; hugging Brooke for dear life.

Brooke should get off the Isle...Brooke and Ryan...Henry thought. I wonder if Claudine could take them with her when she goes. I know she'll have to leave, even if I don't like thinking about it. is it possible she looks more beautiful now than she did last night?

"Hey you," he said as he wrapped his arms around Claudine and kissing her on the cheek.

"Hey," she said, smiling at him.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"What do you mean?" Henry asked, tilting his head.

Claudine looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "Did you or did you not start taking watch shifts when you were running on only half an hour of sleep?"

Henry froze and chuckled softly. "Who...who told you about that?"

"Your two best friends."

"Uh huh. And why did they tell you that?"

"Because they were pleased you were actually sleeping with me around."

Henry sighed. "I didn't do it often. The days after you left...I wasn't in the best of moods to put it lightly."

"It's been months mate and I think you've slept more than three hours maybe...four times? Yeah four times since Claudine left," Ryan spoke up. "We're just glad to see you sleeping well again."

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