Chapter Forty Five

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Freddy grimaced as he experienced his daily torment. Time was immaterial in Tartarus but at the same time he knew exactly how many days had gone by since that witch had burned him alive.

The worst part was he hadn't heard any news of Audrey! One would think that if he was unfairly punished, Mal would do the same to Audrey—make an example out of both of her enemies in a way. But no, nothing.

But Hades hadn't been kidding when he told Freddy he'd be experiencing a new torment every day. He'd been tied to a stake and lit on fire only to wake up the next day and find himself in the middle of the ocean, impaled on a ship. Those were the easy days, when he knew almost what to expect from knowing the histories of the Isle residents.

Though he wasn't going to lie, he still wasn't a fan of falling off of Beast's castle a la Gaston and he'd done it five times so far!

But his least favorite torment was when he was forced to play servant to copies of Mal, Uma, Harry, and Jay. Sometimes Hades would throw in Evie, Henry, or even Claudine in there, just to make the torture worse. Even Celia or the little Tremaine brat would show up at times! They'd give him orders and he'd have no choice but to comply.

"Fredrick!" The copy of Evie sang tauntingly, breaking Freddy out of his thoughts. He didn't know how Hades learned how much Freddy loathed his full name but somehow the false God had managed it. And added it to Freddy's torment.

There wasn't a punishment Freddy had encountered where he hadn't heard his full first name.

"Yes...mistress?" Freddy choked out, despite his attempts to resist. He had no choice in this matter.

"Model my new clothes for me."

"The...the ones you just made?"

Would it be too much to hope that she actually made clothes for men this time? he thought.

"Did I stutter?" Copy Evie said with a sly smirk and Freddy felt his hope get dashed into a thousand pieces as she held up what clearly looked like a blouse. Freddy cursed the fact that he even knew the term now from the countless times the copies had him model for them. "I'm sure Mal would want to know about your hesitation. She's been yearning for another chance at fireball practice."

Freddy sighed. "Yes...mistress. I'll...I'll model your new clothes for you."

"Oh but you don't sound enthused to do it Fredrick! And I'd made a nice frilly, bright pink skirt for you to show to Harry, Jay, Mal, Uma, and myself. After all, what was you always said? Women should be seen and not heard? Well you'll certainly be seen in that skirt, that's for sure! Besides all that black you wear is just so dreary, you need some color in your wardrobe!"

God, if you can hear me, what did I do to deserve this torment? I was just following your word! If anything, the sinners before me should be the one experiencing this hell! Freddy thought.

"Evie! Your modeling will have to hold off for a moment," the copy of Jay said and Freddy would never admit this but he'd never been more thankful to see Jay in his life. Or death. "Harry needs a sparring partner and he's demanding it be Fredrick."

Forget all thankful feelings, Jay, you're the scourge of the earth! Freddy thought.

"You heard Jay, Fredrick," Copy Evie said, the smirk still on her face. "And hey, if Harry roughs you up too bad, I can always try some new makeup looks to cover the bruises I'm sure are coming your way."


"Off you go," Copy Evie said, waving her hand and Freddy sighed, following Jay as if his feet had a mind of their own. Why was it, that out of all the copies, Evie was the one Freddy loathed dealing with the most?

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