Chapter Fifty Five

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Mal sighed as she brushed a stray bit of Cerberus fur from her dress. This was the day she'd been waiting for—though not the day Auradon had been waiting for as Auradon had no idea this day existed.

This was the day she'd become Ben's wife in a ceremony they wanted. Nothing that would be needed to appease the press or fit in the crowds of royals who'd be attending. Just their families, friends, and Zeus.

Unfortunately, he had to be in attendance as Hera was officiating the wedding—Fairy Godmother would be officiating the official wedding. Mal had tried to argue that Henry, Uma, or Harriet could officiate as they were captains but Ben had countered that it'd be a good way to keep relations with Olympus.

Never mind the fact that Olympus hadn't cared about keeping relations with her for most of her life but that was politics.

"Hey," Hadie said, knocking on the door of the tent. There were no buildings anywhere near the Enchanted Lake so Persephone had set up a small tent to allow Mal some privacy to change. Granted she could have just teleported from wherever she was but that was stress no one needed on their wedding day.

"What's wrong? No one's burned down the venue have they?"

"You are way too panicky you know that?" Hadie chuckled. "I just wanted to poke my head in since dad's busy glaring at Lightning butt. look great Mal."

"You don't look too bad yourself Hads. Auradon agrees with you," Mal smiled as she looked at her little brother. He looked good in his navy blue suit which thankfully didn't clash with his blue hair. "You're not so little anymore are you?"

"Nope," Hadie grinned. "Maybe I should call you my little sister?"

"Do it and you become the ring bearer."

"Only joking Mali. Oh by the way, she's here."

Mal smiled as she heard that. "Dad came through?"

"Have you ever know our dad to not come through for us when we ask a favor of him?" Hadie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"When it means he has to acknowledge the fact that we're getting older," Mal countered.

"Ah yeah. Good point. But considering you were asking for something that was more mom's realm of expertise....why'd you want to bring someone from Elysium for your wedding? Seems kinda depressing to me."

Mal smiled slightly and ruffled Hadie's hair. "She's Ben's sister," she explained. "I just...she should get to be here. Besides, dad brought Jafar of all people back to life back when they were trying to go against Hercules and Aladdin. If he could do that, then he should have no issue bringing Abigail back for a day."

"Did you clear it with Ben? Otherwise he's going to have a major shock in about five minutes when we take our places." Hadie told her as he tried to fix his hair to how he had it before Mal had ruffled it.

"I did," Mal nodded. "I told him about a week ago, he said he'd tell Belle and Adam so that they weren't shocked when they saw their daughter."


"Hadie, you do know Beast wasn't born with the name 'Beast' right?"

"Now I do! But why not just call him Beast like everyone else?"

Mal shot her brother a look. "Because, Hads, after today he's to be my father-in-law. I think the least I can do is call him by his name don't you think?"

"If you say so," Hadie shrugged. "I mean, he is the guy who locked all the villains up on the Isle of the Lost and didn't give us a medical system, not to mention the fact that he didn't even think to check on the Isle for twenty years."

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