Chapter Twenty Four

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Audrey screamed in pain as another contraction hit, her brow covered in sweat as she leaned forward as far as she could to try to alleviate the pain; just the highlight of the past lousy nine months. Of course it wasn't as far as she wanted as the shiny silver handcuff reminded her.

Oh yes, they had handcuffed her to the hospital bed. Her! The rightful Queen of Auroria, of Auradon! They handcuffed her like she was a common criminal!

Though that wasn't anything new—they had all treated her like she was a villain for the nine months of her pregnancy. Even her friends, the friends who had been there when she had met Fred, the ones who had told her to drop Ben for him, had dismissed her out of hand when she reached out to them for help.

"We don't talk to Isle trash," they had told her.

Fine, Audrey told herself as she laid back on the hospital bed; panting heavily as the contraction subsided. If they don't want to help me then they'll pay too once I get my scepter back! Once I get my title back!

Of course, she had practically been on her own ever since her mother had told her that she was to be a mom herself. Aurora had practically avoided her daughter's cell since then..oh sorry, room. But Audrey knew the truth. It was a luxurious cell but it was still a cell.

"Audrey? I'm coming in."

"Of course you are," Audrey muttered. Her parents were able to just stroll into her room at any time yet she was trapped here.

"Watch the tone young lady, I have news," Aurora told her as she walked into the room, closing the door behind her. A small part of Audrey couldn't help but be happy by that, a clear sign that no matter what, her mother still trusted her. But the more cynical side could only argue that her mother probably didn't want the castle staff from learning whatever news she was about to receive.

"Oh? I take it I'm to be carted off to the Isle?" Audrey scoffed. The only good thing about that would be she'd finally be with Fred once more. There they could plot to make Auradon pay for what they did to them.

"No, actually," Aurora said with a small sigh. "We got your results back today. Congratulations Audrey, you're pregnant."

"What?" Audrey gasped before a small smile pulled at her lips. "I'm...I'm going to be a mom?"

"In a sense yes. Your father and I will need to discuss with King Ben what will happen with the child."

"What happens—? Mother! This is my child! I should get to raise them!" Audrey exclaimed. "Or is this going to be like Grammy and you all over again?"

"Audrey, you can not raise a child on the Isle. Even with the improvements Lady Mal and King Ben have made there."

"More like you and Mal think I'd raise them as a pawn," Audrey scoffed. "This is my child!"

"You should have thought about that before you tried to throw a coup, young lady," Aurora stated. "More than likely your father and I will raise the child."

Audrey rolled her eyes and Aurora sighed.

"I wanted to give you the news in person," Aurora stated. While they already knew that Audrey was with child from their conversation with King Ben, there had been a small part of Aurora that wanted to have it confirmed by a doctor. "Your father's informing King Ben and your brother's already been informed."

Aurora turned and began to walk to the door, but paused and rested a hand on the doorframe. "This was not the way your father and I wanted to get the news about our first grandchild Audrey."

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