Chapter Thirty Seven

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Harriet smiled as she sat with Sammy, both of them watching the younger kids frolicking by the lake. Ben had told Harriet about the gazebo and CJ had immediately offered to watch Squeaky and Squirmy so she could have time with Sammy; roping Dizzy, Celia, and Ryan in with her so she could have some friends with her.

Harriet wasn't entirely sure she was happy with the knowing look on her little sister's face. Ever since she got out of her denial with Ryan and Harry got out of his with Uma, both of them had been almost determined to end Harriet's single status.

Thank Gods Henry's watching them, she thought with a fond smile as she looked over at her fellow Captain. Well more like CJ's doing the watching with Ryan and Celia and Brooke while Henry sleeps and Dizzy stays with him in the shade. Claudine did say that Henry's been unable to sleep if he's not near water—though when you've spent your life on a ship, sleeping on dry land feels strange.

It was one of the reasons why she liked this gazebo. The feeling of the water of the lake lapping against the foundation of the gazebo reminded Harriet of the Lost Revenge. Being here with Sammy, it was like being home again.

"Auradon's been good to them," Sammy said, her soft voice breaking through Harriet's thoughts.

"Yeah," Harriet nodded, a small smile pulling at her lips. "For all of them. I never thought I'd be hearing my sister squeal in laughter while she enjoyed the sunshine. Though it's the main reason our redheads are hiding in the shade. Henry's still sunburnt from a few days ago after all."

"Not all the redheads," Sammy said, shaking her head slightly. "Celia's with CJ and Ryan. She's keeping Brooke company."

"Oh right. Just another thing Auradon's been good for, Brooke came out of her shell. It's a shame Jade's not here to see this but Brooke's almost back to how she was before Locklyn dragged her to Freddy. Remember? We used to call her a CJ clone. Didn't help that they've both got blonde hair." Harriet said, smiling at the memory.

"Plus CJ finally wound up with Ryan if we're still talking about how Auradon's been good for people," Sammy chuckled as the brunet leaned over over and kissed CJ's cheek. "How many years did we joke that they were going to be the next Harry and Uma?"

Harriet shook her head. "I'd like to not think about my little sister's love life thank you. You know I had to tackle Harry to stop him from interrupting their date?"

Sammy smiled as she looked over at Harriet. "So...while we're on the subject of 'mushy' topics...are we ever going to talk about that kiss we shared during King Ben's coronation?"

Harriet froze, looking over at Sammy. "I...what are you talking about?"

"You forgot?" Sammy asked, her voice soft as she closed the distance between her and Harriet. "Maybe...maybe it's just been too long. Hopefully this can refresh your memory."

Before Harriet could respond, Sammy's lips met hers in a tender kiss that sent a spark up Harriet's spine. It was probably everything she had dreamed about, well minus their younger siblings being almost shouting distance.

Her eyes shut as Harriet eagerly returned the kiss, her brain forgetting the exact reason as to why Sammy was kissing her. All that mattered was that Sammy was kissing her.

Crap! Sammy's kissing me! It's not safe, what if any of the Angels see this?

"Sammy....we can't..." Harriet murmured, her lips barely leaving Sammy's as brown eyes met blue.

"Why can't we?" Sammy whispered. "Cap'n, Freddy's dead. The other Angels are across the bridge. Not to mention Brooke and Claudine are the decent sort."

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