Chapter Fifty Eight

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Mal sighed as she sat next to Ben; her husband reading a book he'd found in their library while she was busy brushing Estelle's fur. It was a few days until their 'official' wedding and the royal couple was enjoying some much needed down time.

"What's wrong?" Ben asked, looking up from the book he was reading so that he was focused on her.

"Someone asked me today if we were going to do bachelor/bachelorette parties since we're building up to the wedding. Or at least the wedding that all of Auradon knows about," Mal said.

"Oh," Ben said; setting his book down and making sure to put a bookmark in as to avoid damaging the book in anyway without losing his place. "And what'd you tell them?"

"I didn't," Mal told him. "I pretended your mom was calling me and scurried away with my tail between my legs. If I'm honest, I haven't given much thought to the whole bachelor/bachelorette party thing."

"We don't have to have one," Ben said. "I mean, no offense to Hadie but I feel a bit weird having a bachelor party with an under fifteen year old as part of my groomsmen. I know Chip wants to give me a party but in all honesty, spending time with you is all I need."

Mal smiled and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "I felt the same way with Alexandria. Especially since from what Lonnie's told me, a bachelorette party could get rather...raunchy. But at the same time, there's a part of me that would like to do something you know?"

"What would you want to do? Say the word and I'll make it happen."

"I'd like's silly."

"It's not silly Mal. Come on, you can tell me."

Mal shook her head. "I...I want to just hang out on the Lost Revenge. All of us and maybe bring my crew who've come over to Auradon. Just...just one last day of being a VK before I become Queen officially."

"Then we'll do that," Ben said. "I know the rules of the Isle after all and I'm sure Emir and Akiho have some clothes that'll pass as VK attire same with Chip. And of course I'm positive if they don't, Jay or Harry will."

Mal chuckled. "Oh yeah, that's certainly the case. And Dizzy or Celia can loan Alexandria some clothes since it wouldn't make much sense for her to wear her dress since that will just make her a target."

"And that's the last thing we'd want," Ben nodded, fishing out his phone to text his best friends and brother. They should be kept in the loop. "Is it safe to say that Harry and Jay will be joining our trip to the Lost Revenge?"

"Of course!" Mal said, Estelle wagging his tail. "Since Uma's on land for the wedding, it'd be nice to have a little reunion between her and Harry."

"Plus Lonnie's in town on account of the professional R.O.A.R. circuit got a bye week for the wedding," Ben pointed out. "And I know Jay got time off from his coach so that he could attend the wedding so let's give them a little reunion too."

Mal smiled and quickly texted Harry and Jay, before texting Henry and Claudine, Caspian, Ryan, CJ, Harriet, Sammy...actually she texted most of her crew since they were all in Auradon. The few members who were still on the Isle were only there because the Isle was home.

Or in Dustin's case because Jace Baddun was wary of leaving the Isle. Shame, Mal knew that the Baddun boys were on Evie's list of VKs to bring over. Why, she had no idea, but they were.

"When are we thinking of doing this?" Ben asked. "Or is this going to be like our trip right before Family Day?"

"It will be our last chance to sneak off without every eye being on us," Mal said with a fond chuckle. "Why not have it be today? Harry's chomping at the bit to see everyone again and I know dad will give Harry a day off. He thinks Harry's been working too hard anyway since Uma left."

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