Chapter Fifty Six

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Persephone shook her head as she looked at herself in the mirror a couple of weeks after Mal's private wedding. Both Belle and Hera had said that she had been practically glowing when she talked to them at the reception.

She'd dismissed it as just compliments for the mother of the bride. She was a Goddess after all, they glowed almost all the time unless they were on the Isle. And making assumptions like that at Mal's wedding was just rude—private wedding or not, all the attention should have been on Mal as the bride.

Besides, there was no way she was pregnant. The last time she was pregnant, Hades hadn't been able to keep his hands off of her for about two months before she found out. Sure they were still affectionate...okay maybe passionate was probably the better word to use.

Actually there were some weeks now that Hades was able to come back and forth that they were like, as the mortals would say, jackrabbits.

I...I can't be pregnant again, Persephone thought as she studied herself in the mirror. I least this time there'd be no back and forth. I wouldn't have to leave three kids for six months since Hades built us a house in the woods in Auradon, close to the portal so he'd have ease for getting back and forth to the Underworld and his restaurant...

She shook her head again. What was she doing? She was acting like it was a done deal, that she was definitely pregnant.

The glow could have just been her being excited for Mal's wedding, from the pride of being able to see her daughter walk down the aisle with her father.

Besides...I haven't been nauseous once, Persephone thought again as she got up to head down the stairs. Though as she did so, she accidentally knocked a few items off of her dresser.


"I'm okay Hades," Persephone called back as Hades hurried up to her, his long legs allowing him to take the stairs two at a time. Persephone smiled as she saw her husband, the big bad Lord of the Dead, watching her in anticipation; as if she'd somehow gotten hurt and didn't know it. "Honestly Hades, you're acting like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I just knocked over a few odds and ends."


Persephone sighed and turned to look at him. He looked distracted, which was rare for Hades. He may have not have been the best at holding back his emotions at times but he was usually always focused to some degree. In fact, the last time Persephone could remember Hades being distracted was back during the time when Maleficent had Mal in her talons.

"What is it Hades?" Persephone asked, holding back a sigh. Honestly, if my mother said anything to him...though she's been a lot better now. Granted Mal still hasn't talked to her because of the whole 'hating Hades' thing. And Hadie wasn't the warmest toward her either now that I think about it. Though that's changed since he was able to use Olympus as a sanctuary back during the...the attempted coup.

"It's just...back at Mali's wedding reception to the sunspot...I was talking to Belle and she might have mentioned you were glowing?"

"Yeah she mentioned that too when I talked to her," Persephone nodded as she turned to pick up the items she'd knocked over. "Then again, she was probably distracted by the presence of her daughter. After all, we're Gods, Hades. We always glow."

"See that's what I thought too but then Zeus mentioned something to me," Hades said and pulled something out of his pocket. "So I...I talked to your sister."

" did what?"

"I didn't ask to look in her big book of babies or anything," Hades said quickly, as if drawing it out would wind up having him turned into a mint plant. "I just asked her about the glowing thing and the fact that you've been a bit more...tired than you normally have been and a bit more clumsy and she sent me this."

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