Chapter Twenty

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Claudine smiled slightly to herself as she made her way to the Haven. While she still wasn't sure exactly what Fred was up to, it had been a rather pleasant couple of months without him glaring at her. The others had even started reluctantly following her orders—though Morgan never really needed any prompting in that regard.

She was a good sort. Well, as good as you could get on the Isle that was.

However, that good feeling faded as she walked into the Haven and froze upon seeing a familiar figure. A figure she thought was busy tormenting Auradon.

"Oh...nice of you to finally turn up again," she said, working hard to keep the contempt out of her voice. "I'd say we missed you but that would mean we'd have to know where you were."

"You knew exactly where I was Claudine," Freddy scoffed.

"Ah right, in Auradon getting turned into a chew toy and turning us into jokes," Claudine shot back, rolling her eyes.

Morgan looked over and gave her a slightly wide eyed look, shaking her head slightly. Claudine couldn't help but tilt her head slightly and raised an eyebrow as she looked over at her.

What in the world...? It's okay Morgan, I know how to handle him. I am his sister after all...

"How was I supposed to know that the little purple haired witch could do that?!" Freddy growled, bringing Claudine out of her thoughts.

"Hmm, maybe listen to reports from Auradon? Apparently she did that at the coronation," Claudine scoffed. "Then again, you do seem to have a habit of rushing into things without having vital pieces of information."

She made here way over to the fireplace to start desalting some water. It never came out perfectly but it was the best option they had— Hades had the freshest water but that was over in Rat territory and the Casters had a way to dilute water but Fred didn't trust Zevon not to poison him if they went to them for water.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Freddy snapped. "I would have won against Mal if she hadn't pulled that trick!"

"Whatever you say Fred," Claudine muttered, rolling her eyes.

"I see you're all still alive at least," Freddy sniffed.

"And still holding our spot as the second ranked VK gang of the Isle. You're welcome."

"Why would I thank you for doing what you're supposed to do?"

Claudine rolled her eyes once more. Maybe because if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have a gang anymore, she thought but kept quiet as she tipped the 'fresh' water into a bottle. Fred was clearly in a mood and honestly she didn't want him asking about any progress she'd made on his 'assignment' while he was gone. Better to keep quiet then.

"But while we're on the subject of my...'being away', I will tell you all that the Angels will be increasing by one member," Freddy said with a smirk.

"Wait, what?" Claudine asked as she looked at him. "How'd you get a new member for the Angels? Don't tell men you managed to convince another Rat to join us."

"The Rats over in Boreadon would rather be boiled in oil than join the Angels."

"...wait, you got someone from Boreadon to join us?"

"As a matter of fact...yes. Yes I did," Freddy said with a smirk.

"Who? No one in Boreadon's going to willingly come to the Isle," Claudine stated as she crossed her arms over her chest.

What in the world was going on here? What did Fred do? Claudine thought as her brother continued to smirk.

"It's someone who I think will fit in very well," Freddy told her.

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