Chapter Thirty Three

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Ryan followed Mal to a private room in Honeymoon Castle. Normally he wouldn't exactly be thrilled with being away from Henry but he knew he was safe with Claudine. Plus Sammy was enjoying her time with Harriet and Brooke so it only made sense for him to pair off with Mal.

"How've you been?" Mal asked, giving the younger boy a small smile. "You look well, at least since the last time I saw you."

Ryan sighed. "I've had good days and bad days. More good than bad but since CJ left the Isle, it's been...having Brooke in the crew's helped."

Mal gave Ryan a small, sad smile and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Ben won't be happy with what I'm about to do but how'd you like a little one-on-one time with Freddy before he becomes an ex-person?"

"Wait, seriously?" Ryan asked, looking at Mal in shock. "But...but I thought you, Uma, Harry, and Jay would have called dibs."

Mal shook her head. "Apparently those three had their fun at Cotillion when I was making sure Ben was okay. Besides, Uma's on Ben duty with Evie and Jay and Harry are busy sparring with Carlos and Gil to get their energy out before it all goes down."


"Oh yeah you're unaware of that change. Yeah we're aligned with Evie now, and yes Harry can be around Gil and not try to kill him."

Ryan shook his head as if to clear away the shock. "I...I don't know which is more strange. The fact that Harry isn't trying to kill Gil anymore apparently or the fact that you referred to Blueberry by her first name."

"Who's to say it can't be both?" Mal chuckled. "Now come on. Ben doesn't want to waste too much time in waiting lest we give Freddy the chance to escape yet again. Meaning we only have so much time before someone realizes what it is we're doing."

Holding out her hand, she gave Ryan a reassuring smile. "You trust me right Ryan?"

"Of course," Ryan nodded, taking Mal's hand. "With my life, cap'n."

"That's co-captain Mr. Williams," Mal said but her voice lacked any scolding tone that would have normally been there. A cloud of dark purple smoke surrounded them and when it faded, Ryan found himself in a dark, musty smelling room; each side lined with bars and narrow holes for windows.

"Lady Mal," one of the guards nodded as they approached what Ryan could only assume to be Freddy's cell. Granted it was the only cell with guards by the entrance so it was an easy assumption to make. "What do we owe the honor?"

"My friend here requests a one on one interview with the accused," Mal said, nodding her head back at them.

The guards hesitated, as if unsure to allow such a request though Ryan could tell that the guard wanted nothing more than to let Mal and Ryan into the cell. "King Ben said no one' one's to enter the accused's cell before he's to be taken to trial."

"Of course and you wouldn't be doing your job properly if you just let us in," Mal said before holding out her hand so that her palm faced the ceiling. "If you're worried about an imitation, you needn't be. Magic can not be replicated after all."

With that, a bright lilac fireball grew in the palm of Mal's hand and Ryan watched as the guards seemed to almost relax in relief. As if they'd been concerned that Audrey or another Angel was imitating Mal to get access to Freddy.

You know, if it wasn't for Freddy's absolute hatred of magic, I'd say that would be a good plan for them to potentially try, Ryan thought. Well and the fact that I'm pretty sure that Shayla and Locklyn share one brain cell and Strat would never take orders from a woman for them to get over to Auradon in the first place. Plus you know Mal would just kick their butts back to the Isle.

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