Chapter Forty Six

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Claudine sighed as she made her way down the hall of Honeymoon Castle. Even though she was a happily married woman with a home of her own, she still loved to visit Aurora and Phillip's castle. Ari was always excited to see her, that was for sure.

Unfortunately, Henry couldn't join her this time even though he also loved visiting his little niece by marriage. Ever since they moved into the lighthouse in King Eric and Queen Ariel's kingdom, Henry had been dedicated to running it and making sure no ships crashed into the shore. Though that was on top of his endless training so Claudine had to wonder how much sleep her husband really was getting.

At least Ryan's here in Auradon, she thought. And hopefully Derek will make his way over soon too, once everything gets settled with the Rats, so that way Henry'll have both his mates to make sure he sleeps. Besides, if he doesn't sleep, he'll get run down and that won't be good for his health.

"Antee!" Ari squealed as Claudine made her way into the playroom.

Claudine couldn't help but smile as she heard the happy utterance of her niece. She was so glad that her little niece was a happy girl even despite the pain of losing both her parents so young in life. Maybe it was because Ari had never met Audrey or Freddy, never knew them as her parents?

I have to wonder how Aurora and Phillip explained Paige being her sister or even the fact that Audrey was gone, Claudine thought as she sat down next to Ari.

"You having fun, pretty girl?" Claudine asked.

Ari nodded, her light red tri-cornered hat tilting to the side at the movement. "Nama and Papa aid I go wimming wid Paige water!"

"Oh really? And are you looking forward to going swimming later?"

"Uh huh! And dey aid I take Claudie oo!"

Claudine chuckled as Ari held up the purple and blue plush dragon that Mal had given her for her birthday. It was more of a need to emphasize which of the plush toys Ari would be taking with her as the little Princess had gotten into the habit of naming all of her plush toys after Claudine.

Maybe one or two would earn the privilege of a different name but most of them had been named after Claudine. Her plush horse had been named 'Phil' and her red wooden sword had been named 'Henry'.

CJ had apparently told Ari that every good pirate names their sword, and Ari had gladly shown off her wooden swords to the group that had come to help Phil box up Audrey's room. She even tried to help though Phil had to leave the room maybe fifteen minutes after he joined them from his nap.

Seeing Ari holding the old stuffed rabbit that had apparently been Audrey's...Claudine could understand in a way. Seeing all the photos around the palace, it was clear that Arabella held a striking resemblance to Audrey. Had Claudine not known that her brother had been Audrey's fling, she would have never even thought that Ari was Freddy's child. it weird that there are days where I miss you? Claudine thought. Not the you that you were but the you you'd been? The you that taught me how to throw daggers and in your own way, protected me from getting hurt or worse on the Isle. Almost makes me wonder what you would have been like if you hadn't fallen to Frollo's teachings.

Claudine had never been more thankful to be born a girl than in the instances where Frollo would have hour long sessions alone with Freddy while he would ignore Claudine. The only time their father would lower himself to talk to his daughter was whenever she did something he found to be shameful.


"Yeah Ari?" Claudine asked, shaking her head slightly to pull herself out of her thoughts.

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