30. Runaway

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Here's a double update! Just because I wanted to see an even chapter number. Finally we get to the 30th chapter~ We are more than halfway in to this story...probably


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Yoongi looked at his mother wide eyed. Because she answered for him. Jimin just say there now calmed down. But he has an unreadable expression on his face. Seokjin whom was suddenly in the middle of family drama just discreetly walked out the room.

"Yeah our son will definitely marry Jimin. Thank you for accepting Yoongi into the family. It's a huge honor!" Mrs. Min said and gave a polite bow to the Parks

"I'm glad. We should definitely start wedding preparations" Mrs. Park claps excitedly "Mrs. Min, do you want to help?"

She was happily cheering "Oh of course I will!"

Jimin looked over at a silent Jimin. He felt sudden anxiety. Hopefully Jimin felt the same way he did, and that was it was way to early for them to get married. Of course he's in love with Jimin, but they're too young for any of this.

Yoongi's parents stayed for one more hour talking to Jimin's parents. They now sat in the living room chatting away. Yoongi nudges Jimin to follow him out the room so that they can speak in private. They had to come up with what to say about this sudden arrangement. Jimin got the hint and follows his boyfriend to a nearby room, which was the library.

Yoongi sighs when they were finally alone "It seems that our parents have gone crazy. Making decisions for us"

Jimin shrugs "They're excited to see us together. I can't blame them though" he then smirks

Yoongo wraps his arms around Jimin's waist and kisses those plump lips that he loves so much. Jimin smiles into the kiss and kisses back. Mouths sloshing together making the kiss more and more heated. Yoongi had to pull away before things started to escalate.

"I love you so much. But still, marriage...I don't know Jimin"

The pink haired male pulls away from Yoongi and frowns "You don't want to marry me then?"

"No...no baby I want to marry you. Just not now. I don't think our parents should be making that decisio—"

"If you love me then you'd marry me. I'm ready for you hyung. I feel like i've waited all my life to meet you. Like we're missing puzzle pieces..." Jimin said feeling tears form in his eyes

"Yes baby you're my world. But marriage is a big commitment"

Jimin crossed his arms now glaring "You don't think i'm worth the commitment?"

"Jimin that's not what I sai—"

"You know what hyung, I'm hurt. I know you may think i'm being a brat right now but...I know what we have is special. It's different. So you should be willing to jump into anything with me. If you really love me like you said then...then you wouldn't have to hesitate"

Yoongi looked at Jimin scared. He couldn't lose Jimin, not now "Baby please thats not what I mean. Please don't take it the wrong way"

"It's too late" Jinin said with tears in his eyes

Suddenly Jimin runs out the library. Yoongi looked at him leave in shock. This is his first fight with Jimin and he has no idea on how to fix this. He wanted to go after him, but he figured that Jimin needed space. The sudden news of marriage was probably a lot for him to take in.

After a couple of minutes Yoongi calmed down and went back into the living room. He hoped to find Jimin with their parents but he wasn't in the room. Their parents were just as happy like before talking to each other. Yoongi sat on one of the couches and huffed out.

"Where's Jimin?" Mrs. Min asked

"Oh uhh...he wanted to get something from his room" Yoongi lied

When it was time for Yoongis parents to leave they got walked out to the front door. Yoongi was still shaken up about upsetting Jimin.

"Where's Jimin Yoongi?" Mrs. Park now asked for her son "He hasn't came down from his room"

"Let me go get him"

Yoongi runs upstairs to the fifth floor. He went into Jimin's large bedroom but it was empty. He looked into all the rest of the rooms on that floor and there was no sign of him. Yoongi runs to the next floor down looking into those rooms, even asking the maids if they've seen them. They all haven't seen him either. At this point Yoongi got scared and started calling out Jimin's name. He went back downstairs to the kitchen to hope he was with Seokjin.

"Jin! have you seen Jimin?"

The broad shouldered man was currently packing away left over food "Jimin? No, he hasn't come in. Why? w-what happened?"

Yoongi huffed out in frustration grabbing at his hair "fuck...this is bad"

"Yoongi what happened?"

"We both got into a little disagreement and he just ran away from me. I looked all
over the house but he wasn't anywhere...Jin i'm so fucking worried"

"Well let's tell your parents. We can all look for him together"

The two males went to the front door area. The two mature couples were still talking to each other amicably. But they suddenly were worried when they saw the looks on both Yoongi's and Seokjin's face.

"What's wrong boys? Where's Jiminie?" Mr. Park asked

"Uhh about that...Jimin went missing"



Some angst
Also, I know Jimin's being unreasonable

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