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I'm so excited. Ro and I are finally gonna have a long weekend all to ourselves. No work, no gym, no family. Just us. That hardly ever happens. We rented a beautiful cabin by a lake. Right in the middle of nature. No one around for miles and it's only a two-hour drive.

Roman is at work right now, but I expected him back home in about three hours. So I'm going to start packing our bags for the weekend. That way we'll be all set to leave in the morning.

I was just on my way to the bathroom to get our toiletry bags when my phone started ringing. So I went back into the bedroom to find my phone.

It was Roman. Smiling, I answered the phone.

"Hi, baby. I'm just finishing packing up our things. I'm so excited to spend time alone with you." I said it with a giggle.

"Hey baby girl, this is the reason I'm calling. I'm afraid I have some bad news," he said cautiously.

I had a bad feeling, please tell me that just the rental car is broken.

"Well, what happened?" I asked and Roman sighed deeply.

"I just spoke to Vince and as it stands now I have to perform at the house shows this weekend. One of the guys is injured." he said.

I knew it sounded too good to be true. I took a deep breath. I know it's not his fault, but I was still deeply disappointed.

"It's all right, honey. It's not your fault," I said softly and I knew he heard the disappointment in my voice. Then a thought occurred to me.

"You know what? Since we have already booked and paid for everything, I'll just go by myself," I said spontaneously.

"What? No, baby, you don't have to do that. We'll just do it some other time. I'll make it up to you. I promise you." Roman said quickly to change my mind.

"Roman, it's no big deal. I'll go alone and I'll see you at home Monday night."

"Oh, okay, if that's what you really want to do. I got to go now. I'm really sorry and I love you. Drive safe, okay? Bye." He sounded sad.

"Bye, love. See you Monday. I love you," I said before I hung up. With a heavy sigh I got up from bed to pack the rest of my things.

The next morning.

My alarm clock rang at 7 a.m., I took a shower, made breakfast and snacks for the trip. It was 9 o'clock when I took off. I was not really looking forward to my me time. But it was what it was. Roman loves his work and his fans. And he couldn't help it if someone got injured. I couldn't blame him. No matter how disappointed I was.

Time passed surprisingly quickly. The roads were almost empty, so the trip actually took only two hours.

It was too bad that Roman would miss that, it was beautiful here. I took lots of pictures of the lake, the cabin, everything.

I unpacked and made myself comfortable. I made myself a cup of tea and sat down by the lake with a book. Later I took a bath, made a face mask and even painted my nails. All that girl stuff.

It was almost midnight when I went to bed. Spending time alone here wasn't so bad, but I missed my Roman like crazy.

On Saturday morning I was woken by a loud bang. What the hell was that? Then I panicked, I was here alone. What do I do now if someone has broken in? Then I remembered the pepper spray in my purse. I grabbed it and walked down the hall as quietly as I could towards the kitchen. Oh, my God, I can't believe my eyes. It wasn't a burglar, it was Roman! I couldn't believe it. I thought he had to work!

He stood by the stove and didn't notice I was in the room.

"Roman..." I say. He jumped.

"My God Y/N you scared me." He had a hand on his heart.

"Me? You scared me. I almost had a heart attack. What are you doing here?" I asked grinning.

He came over to me and took me in his strong arms. It felt so good, just like home.

"Seth offered to fill in for me after he heard about our plans. He was supposed to have the weekend off," he said.

"Wow, that is so nice of him. He's a really good friend." I could only smile. I was so happy.

"Okay, baby girl. I made breakfast for us, so let's eat. After that we can do anything you want." he said smiling.

"Thank you, my love. Let's eat and then you can relax."

Looks like the weekend isn't lost after all.

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