Travail; Parturition

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** Trigger warning: premature birth,**

Doumas words resonated in (f/n)'s mind. Fear suddenly overtook her once more and her body trembled, she placed a hand on his cheek ad said softly "Come back to me Kyojuro" Tears emerged from the corner of her eyes and (f/n) bit her lip.

"Kyo. My love" she said again placing another hand on his cheek. He looked down at her with his black and red eyes; she winced.

(F/n) began to feel the pain of her premature labor, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Kyojuro sensed her pain even in the state he was in and leaped up into the air. He landed by a cavern. He entered and inside there was a natural spring he placed her in the water and then entered besides her.

"Kyojuro" she said softly as she trembled. Kyojuros horns began to react, the markings on his skin began to fade and his eyes shifted back to normal. He squeezed her hands reasurringly "I'm here with you" responded. "You can do this; we can do this."

"Kyo-Im so scared" she admitted still crying. "Its so soon-what if our little one won't make it"

Kyojuro held her in silence and then smiled reasurringly to her. "Dont you worry about that. Our little one is strong, like it's mother"

(F/n) nodded "and like it's father"


Hours past and daybreak was near, luckily the cave was well hidden from the light. Kyojuro started a fire and had rags ready,the little one was almost there.

A few more strenuos pushes and cries of agony later; their first bundle was born. He was very small and was born with his father's blonde hair and thick brows while having his mother's beautiful skin color. The tiny infant gave a weak cry and kyojuro got teary eyed while he swaddled the little one.

(F/n)'s face was flushed covered in sweat. Her eyes were watery and she still felt like there was more. She cried out in pain and kyojuro's eyes widened. She was bleeding, alot. More than what his mother did with senjuro this made him panic. He froze and broke out in a cold sweat.

Quickly Kyojuro placed the crying newborn softly onto the floor and took off his kimono ripping it into peices. He quickly dipped the torn peices into the warm sooting waters of the hotspring and began to clean the blood from his wife's womanhood. He gasped realising that there was another head and then smiled widely.

"(F/n), my love can you hear me?"

"Kyo" (f/n) responded weakly. "I feel-"

"Were having twins" he said happily but then his facial expression turned serious "You need to push again, and I know it's hard so I'm going to put you back into the spring to try and make it easier"

"I don't think I can" (f/n) cried out "Im-Im so scared"

"So am i" he said kissing her forehead "but you can do it. Set your heart ablaze" he said squeezing her softly. He scooped her up and put her in the warm springs once more.

(F/n) gripped onto Kyojuro tightly and she pushed screaming with all of her might, the second bundle was born and rose up the water. (F/n) passed out in kyojuros arms. With his second hand he picked up the baby who gave a very soft cry. After setting them down he was able to see that their second born was a girl and once again he was full of pride.

He wrapped up their daughter in her cloth and set the twins both onto (f/n)'s chest. She was exhausted, pale cold but relieved and smiled as the small bundles rested on her chest that rose and fell with her breathing rythem.

"We did it" she managed to say out in a feeble voice that was hoarse from her precious activities. She looked up at him with the most genuine smile he had ever seen her wear.

"Were parents" he said and stroked her hair. "We need names."

"I've thought of one for our daughter" (f/n) said "Ruka" kyojuros eyes widened

"Are-are you sure" he staired at her intently

"Ruka is perfect" (f/n) said reasurringly. Kyojuro smiled and nodded.

"I like Seijuro, for our sons name" kyojuro said. "Its a meaningful name, a strong one as well."

"It fits well" she said gently. Kyojuro looked up at her and stroked her cheek. "You should rest while the kids do and at night I'll take you back to our home"

(F/n) nodded and smiled before falling asleep.

Flames, Love And Thunder A Demonslayer Reader Insert (Kyojuroxreader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن