Lucid Dreams.

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"Kyo-?" She said sitting up. The floorboards slowly creaked as he revealed himself. "Kyo! Am i- am I dreaming?" She asked getting teary eyed.

He shushed her and brought her into his arms. She felt coldness from his skin and his heartbeat wasn't there. She pulled away to look at his face only to find it had changed. Thought it looked the same it could not have been more different.

He smiled his smile down at her running fingers down the side of her cheek. 

"I came back to you" He said softly "no matter what it took"

(F/n)'s eyes widened "i-how? Tanjiro innosuke and zenitsu saw you dead! We just had your funeral today; I don't understand"

Kyojuro nodded "as I was talking to tanjiro and breathed out my last breath; I begged for more time, and in an instant the blood from akaza some how made way into my mouth. I woke up in the morgue. I replaced my body with another dead person's and quickly cremated them in my spot. In a way I killed the old me"

(F/n) looked up at him running her fingers through his cheek. "How did you, satiate your blood thirst?"

Kyo looked to the floor "I drank the blood of people who were already dead" he admitted "I haven't killed anyone myself. Though I've become the very thing I've sought to destroy its not for personal gain and its not so I hurt those weaker-it was for you and our future" he said sweetly.

(F/n) smiled and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back, it was weird not hearing his heart but he was whole. He was infront of her and he was alive. The physical warmth was gone but the emotional one wasn't.

"Perhaps you can go to lady Tamayo like tanjiro did maybe she can help you"

"No, this has to remain our secret" he said firmly "if our leader finds out that ive become a demons my father would have to commit seppuku."

(F/n) nodded even though she thought seppuku would be an easy death for his father who so rudely called her trash and disowned her unborn child, she still respected his request.

"So everything's still the same?" She asked gently. "Your feelings your memories, you still have them?"

"I wouldn't be here if I didnt" he said gently but then his expression became intense. "What about you-seeing me like this, it has to make you feel, ashamed...disgusted even" (f/n) looked him in the eyes. "My feelings have not changed. You are still you. I was yours the moment we met. Eternally yours" she placed a hand on his cheek and he covered it with his. He smiled and kissed her wrist. He nibbled his lip smelling just how sweet her blood was and said   "I just have this inquenchable thirst. But I won't harm a human."

(F/n) smiled and nodded and then kissed him softly. His arms tightened around her waist and brought her closer to his form. "I think I found a way to quench this thirst" he nibbled her ear, kyojuros warm breath against the nape of her neck sent chills down her spine.

"Are-are you sure?" She asked blushing deeply. He nodded and laid her down attacking her neck with feverish kisses.


  (F/n) woke up the next day and looked to the side. His side was vacant, not even his scent left on the sheets and once more her heart broke. Last night was so real. It couldn't have been a dream she tried to convince herself. Tears fell down her eyes and she brought her hands to her chest and she sobbed loudly.

There came a knock on the door, it was her maid Otohime. "Ma'am, there's someone here to see you" (f/n) sniffles and nodded "of course, I'll be out shortly" otohime nodded and slid the door closed. (F/n) looked sadly into the mirror when she saw something on her neck; love marks from the night before fresh, and hot. She smiled, now knowing it wasn't all a dream.

After she had dressed she exited the room and saw who was visiting. It was Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

"I came here today to formally apologize, I couldn't help rengoku come home to you, and I'm sorry he won't be able to have the family he's wanted." Tanjiro bowed his head tears forming in his eyes "I've brought some gifts for you and your child I hope you accept them!"

"Oh tanjiro" she responded gently "I feel blessed to have even the shortest union with a soul like kyos. You remind me alot of him. Please don't stop growing." She smiled accepting the parcels. "You don't have to feel responsible for kyos sacrifice. He wouldn't want you to go on carrying that weight"

Tanjiro looked up at (f/n) and smiled gently "you are very kind, I know why Rengoku made you his wife" he beamed. "But if there is anything you need for me to do please ask. I don't want you to think you have to be alone. I also helped my mother deliver my youngest brother so if you need someone to help with birth I can as well!!" Tanjiro said with starry eyes.

(F/n) blinked and smiled "it's okay Ill have a midwife to help me, but i wouldn't see why it would be a bad idea to have you wait with sanemi and genya while I give birth. Your like a younger brother" she said gently "and I know kyo would welcome you as apart of our family with open arms"

Tanjiro smiled happily zenitsu however was silent. "You know" zdnitsu finally said. "If your child needs a father figure-im ready to take on that responsibility!!!"

Both (f/n) and Tanjiros eyes widened. Did he just??? She thought. "Ah-ok" she looked down "thank you for the offer but I'm sure, I am fine" she said before standing up "thank you both for checking in. Tanjiro thank you for the gifts" she said happily before they were escorted out.

Flames, Love And Thunder A Demonslayer Reader Insert (Kyojuroxreader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum