Chapter 14

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"Time to play..." I say

'Note to self

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'Note to self. I might be a little to competitive.' I thought absentmindedly.


I straightened my back and move insink with the copies making sure I don't stand out.

I look around for any other competitors. I heard ragid breathes coming from up ahead, as I walked closer I heard something shuting at me.

I quickly dodge to see it was that weird raventail member attacking me, I don't know his name but what can you do.

I look at him sharply "You shouldn't have done that" I said in a sing-song voice, before he could do anything I chanted "Fire Phoenix: BULLETS!"

Bullets made from fire shoot out of her raised open hands and shot at the Raven Tail member fastly.

He got hit before being teloported somewhere else n this town.


I got hit in the back by someone before teloporting away.

As soon as I landed I got hit again, and teloported to a different place.

'Ok! Thats enough getting hit.' I thought annoyed.

Lucky me got transported in the middle of a fight.

Gray and Lyon, I think thats his name anyway, were shooting ice at eachother.

"Sorry not sorry, Gray" I whisper softly.

I began to chant a spell "Fire phoenix: Blaster"

The spell shot out of my hand and blasted Gray and Lyon making them fall onto the floor, before teloporting.

I then got hit in the back by that Raven tail guy causing me to teloport.... again.

Once I landed I sighed before standing up and looking around.

 'That Sabertooth dude with he green hair, I haven't seen him.. i wonder were he is at.' I thought suspiciously.

"1 minute left." The Announcer said through the microphone.

Next thing I know I hear chanting coming from somewhere and then a bright green light shot towards me.

On instrinct I chant a protection spell "Fire Phoenix: Holy Shield"

A Phoenix shape shield appeared infront of me and it blocked the green magic light from hitting me

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A Phoenix shape shield appeared infront of me and it blocked the green magic light from hitting me. As soon as the light touched the shield it disappeared from sight.

Soon after the town disappeared and all was left was the competitors. 

'I am so going to treat Umbreon for hiding so well.' I thought grinning.

We all walked out while some were cheered, for others not so much (Gray).

I wait at the exit for gray, he came in angrily and slammed his fist into the wall.

I sigh before walking over to him.

"It's not your fault. And besides... it was only one game. Do better next time" I say awkwardly and bluntly.

'I'm not really good at emotions, hoped it worked.' I thought

He looks at me then smiles and began to walk away before stopping and looking at me seeing that I wasn't following.

"Are you coming?" Gray asked.

"Not yet. I'll follow later" I say causing him to walk away.

I check no one is around before saying "Umbreon, you can stop hiding. "

Umbreon comes out of the shadows and looks at me happily.

"You did AMAZING! Now I have to go back so they don't get suspicious or anything. Once the day is over I will treat you okay??" I say excitedly

"umbreon" He replies happily before disappearing in a white light.

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