Chapter 6

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After that nothing to strange happend besides there occasionally glances and/or clingyness (Loki). The rest of the Party was fun and interesting for sure.

Flora POV

The party lasted for a day. After that things started to rap up and we were ready to leave, as leaving Virgo thought it would be a good time to tell us that time works differently here, so basically it's been 3 MONTHS OUT THERE!!

Yeah, I might be slightly angry but who gives a f***.

We all landed in the sand, and team Natsu (+Juvia & Levy) started to cry and mope. Sad really I mean in all honesty.... I couldn't care less.

After a while the idiots got the big girl pants on and said let's work 10x harder than usual for the next 5 days to catch up, and that is definitely NOT going to work but hey it will be funny to watch them fail.

We all setted of running full sprint (minus levy). After a few minutes we passed a broken bridge that suddenly fixed its self completely. We all stopped to look at the bridge.

"Do you think it's safe?" Lucy asked.

"It looks like a trap." Erza says as others voice there agreements

"Well there is only one way to find out" I say before side kicking Natsu in the head causing him to bounce along the bridge and onto the other side.

"Well there is only one way to find out" I say before side kicking Natsu in the head causing him to bounce along the bridge and onto the other side

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"Well, it's safe." I say before walking across the bridge not looking at the expressions of disbelief. Oh well.

The others walk across.
Natsu stood up and looked at me angrily "Owww!! That hurt!" He shouts at me.
I walk up at him and kissed his sore cheek before walking around him and away. Not seeing his bright red face.

"Big baby" I say under my breath. A faint 'hey' was heard from behind me but I just ignored it and carried on walking.

'Idiots. I'm surrounded by idiots' I thought.

I stopped moving and looking around, hearing movement from the trees I got ready for a attack.

Suddenly 3 people jumped out from the trees each were wearing black cloaks.

'I have a bad feeling about this.' I thought.

A/N I know this was quite a short chapter.
Hope you Enjoyed the chapter.

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