i like the way you're everything i wanted

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Sometimes it was impossible to ignore just how cute Lalisa Manoban was. There were many forms of her, Jennie has discovered over time. 

There was her typical 'badass' persona that she wore on the daily, almost like a coat of armor that helped her face off against just about anyone she came in contact with over the day. It told everyone around her that she was tough, and unfeeling, and if you messed with her you were bound to be sorry for it.

But of course she knew most of that was a big fat façade.

Badass Lisa also happened to be hot, in Jennie's humble opinion, so of course she didn't mind letting her keep up the illusion as long as she continued wearing leather jackets and ear spikes as well as she did.

Awkward Lisa and Clueless Lisa often went hand in hand for Jennie, both bringing up feelings of complete and total endearment that always made her smile so wide that her cheeks hurt.

Vulnerable Lisa was a rarer form, only making appearances late at night after long talks about the future and feelings of being incompetent. The first time Jennie got to see this side of her, her heart nearly melted right out of her chest, an overwhelming need to protect and reassure overcoming her. Jennie felt honored that she got to see her like that all at, since very few ever did.

Quite honestly she could spend the rest of her life making lists and writing books on each and every individual quality and trait that made up who Lisa was, as fascinating and complex as she was, and she was positive that she could come out on the other side still in love with each one more than the last.

Jennie could spend every day for the rest of her life figuring her out and still be in love with Lisa more each day than the last.

But all of that has detracted from her opening point: Lisa Manoban is cute. Adorable, in fact.

And this certainly isn't new information to her, but she finds herself being reminded of it as she comes home from her class to see her girlfriend asleep in her bed.

Lisa has burrowed herself deep into her covers, blankets pulled all the way up to her chin as she snores softly. She's in the exact same position as when Jennie left in the morning for her classes, and if it wasn't for the fact that she's wearing a different hoodie, she would think she hadn't moved at all.

The brunette takes the time to quietly set down her bag and pull off her shoes before crawling in bed to join her snoozing girlfriend. Despite her efforts not to disturb her, the movement stirs Lisa and two drowsy, honey eyes flutter open as Jennie reaches her.

"Hey, sleepy," she greets softly with a smile. She settles down beside Lisa and brushes a stray lock of hair from her face. The girl simply blinks at her and stretches sleepily, groaning lowly before rolling into her to press her face against Jennie's chest.

The brunette chuckles and runs a hand through her hair, humming as Lisa's sleep-warmed body burrows further into her.

"Hi," her girlfriend finally says after a small stretch of silence, apparently awake enough for words now. "How was class?"

"It was fine," she replies, fingers scratching at Lisa's scalp as she feels her hum of approval vibrate through her chest. "Boring, but that's to be expected when I've taken the class twice already."

Lisa snickers and Jennie feels a small kiss being pressed to her collarbone. "I missed you," she murmurs, her words muffled. "It should be illegal for you to leave in the mornings."

Jennie's heart flips in her chest, because she doesn't say things like that very often. Their relationship is new enough that at times it still feels like they're still walking on eggshells around each other, unsure of what they should say and how they should act. So new, in fact, that the rest of the squad didn't even know about the two of them, which made Lisa even more cautious when it came to expressing how she was feeling.

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