Can't Justify The Truth

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Song of the Day: traitor by Olivia Rodrigo

I jump back, scared by the sudden loud noise. My eyes flit around the room to Karl, Phil, Kristin, Alex, Tommy, Wilbur, and Tubbo.

My heart is overfilled with joy to see all of them in the same room together. I look above Tommy's head and see a banner.

Happy Birthday!

That's it. It's my birthday today. I almost forgot about it, not that I'd do anything for it anyway even if I did remember. There are times where I wish no one knew about this day, sometimes it's stressful to put on a fake smile and make everyone happy at a birthday party. But I don't think I'll have to do that today.

"Oh my gosh!" I say, a wide grin on my face.

"Y/n! You're finally here. You and Wilbur took forever." Tubbo says, rolling his eyes at Wil. I chuckle at his words and enter the house to find the downstairs all decorated.

Streamers hang around the lights and confetti is scattered along with the granite table. There's an assortment of foods on the counters that Tommy's dogs sit below, drooling over them. Presents lay wrapped in colorful paper with different designs on his coffee table.

Everyone scatters out and resumes their conversations. Everyone except Tommy.

He strides up to me and incases me into a hug. I gladly accept it with open arms. He smells of frosting and chocolate. I step back from the hug and notice speckles of flour on his face. I grin as a spark an idea.

"Hey, Tommy," I step closer. "You've got something on your face."

"Where?" He falls for it.

I raise my hand and boop his nose. "There! Ahah! Karma's a bitch!" I squeal, running around the counter to hide from the flustered and confused Tommy. I have no intention to actually remove the flour from his face.

He soon finds me and boops me back leaving me in a pouting fit. To be honest, I don't mind the action at all. I find it somewhat sweet and kind, a way of showing affection. It's just the high I experience from his reactions and true laugh that he elicits from my response to the actions that I continue to enforce them.

After I stand he begins to speak. "Well, are you surprised?"

I sigh in content and look around. "I'm more than surprised. No one has ever put together something like this for me." 

My hands find each other and begin to pick at the hangnails causing a flinch now and then from the slight pain from the skin being pulled back.

My eyes travel around the room as my heart absorbs the feelings that come with the surprise. They had put this whole thing together just for me. It's hard to understand why they did, well, I know why. It's because I'm something to them, I think. It's difficult to accept such foreign knowledge since it was never introduced to me before.

"Y/n, you don't need to stress," He places his palm on my hand that picks excessively at the cuticles that are now torn. "You're here. This is a place to feel at peace with your friends. It's your birthday, let's make it so this day is filled with happy memories rather than stressful ones, yeah?"

I nod and cease the repetitive action as Tommy slips his hand in mine.

"Let's play a game?" Phil suggests. We all agree and huddle around a table playing monopoly which gets destroyed by Alex and Wilbur due to their 'rules' of stealing. In the end, I'm laying on the floor laughing my ass off from Alex ultimately throwing the board at Wilbur shouting a string of unintelligible curses.

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