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GO READ TOY CAR FIRST IF YOU HAVEN't ALREADY IT'S UP NOW. I forgot to upload it a while ago. It's the 6th chapter go read it to understand this oneee aaaaaa sorry.


I stare at the boxes that fill my room. It looks so empty and forgotten. The walls have been stripped of all of my pictures and drawings. There are no clothes to sigh and pick up just to throw them in my closet but that's not a mess either. It's vacant, filled with nothing but air.

It no longer feels like a bedroom, it acts as space, just space.

The rest of the house will remain the same besides a few things that I took from my mothers and father, a few things to remember them by.

I blink and it's like years have gone by. I will never sit at this window and watch the sunset or sunrise. There will be no more late nights alone knowing no one in the house to protect me. No more keeping the light on in my room when I leave so we wouldn't get robbed, I hoped that when people walked by they'd think someone was home. I don't need to worry about that anymore.

The room is already dusty from no one residing in it. I'll miss it. The memories will remain sealed with the walls of this house for history to sort out, it can weigh on the future's shoulders rather than my own.

I squint and find a toy motorcycle on the ground. It's the same car from months ago, the one the boy threw into the sand.

I pick it up and admire the bleu tarnish and flames along the sides. It's been a long time but he probably wants it back.

I stuff it into my pocket, keeping it safe before exiting the room I used to call my own.

I walk down the stairs trying not to look at anything else in the house like the couch. That was where we held most of our family activities if we ever had any. It was rare but when they happened it was an experience I'll never forget. My mother laughed genuinely and my father was kind to both of us, even going as far as to kiss my mother's forehead when she won the game. It was one of the few times when I felt like we were a family. There won't be anything like that now.

I walk towards the door and take a deep breath, setting my hand on the metal doorknob that's cold to the touch. The house no longer looks alive, it looks like a museum. Almost as if it were an expensive relic. Not for how it looks or how much it's worth but because of what it's gone through.

These walls suffered nights of yelling, trying to contain my mother's cries which were muffled by my own. The kitchen floor has been bruised from the many dishes that have either fallen or been thrown on the ground. The lights are practically new from barely using them as no one was ever downstairs. The blinds are squeaky after months of them never being opened, the floor of our living room has yet to see the light of day.

I'll miss this place, but I hope to forget it.

I walk outside and close the door. I inhale and exhale the cool air. Tommy stands in his suit against Wilbur's car.

"Can we go to the park? I need to return something." I ask, strolling up to the backseat where Karl and Tubbo sit, playing chopsticks.

"Of course, and your stuff will be at my place later tonight along with Cat," Wilbur answers, climbing into the front seat. I miss Cat from all of the hours I've been away from him. We will have some quality cuddle time when I get to Wil's.

Tommy hesitates, placing a hand on my shoulder before I enter the car. "Are you ok?"

"Somewhat." I shrug, stepping inside the car and buckling myself in.

The drive there is silent with the occasional sigh of defeat from Tubbo when Karl beats him in chopsticks triumphantly.

Once we arrive I step out of the car with the toy motorcycle in my hand. No children frolic amongst the play structures, only one small blonde boy sits on the swings. Surely he's not the same one as before.

He looks older, his eyes carry bags beneath them and his hands are dryer than before. His face is more defined, more sullen.

I gingerly walk over to the boy. He doesn't seem to notice until I'm a few feet away.

"Hey," I say lightly.

"Hi." He replies, his face lights up a bit.

"A few months ago, I think you dropped this," I reveal the blue toy to the boy and his eyes widen. He takes it in his hands and stares down at it.

"I'm too old for this now." He says merely, attempting to hand it back to me.

I frown and close his fist around the object. "Don't stop doing something you love because of other kids. Do it because you love to, ignore everyone that says otherwise."

The air shifts as he stands with the toy in his hands. "They won't accept me."

"No, they're jealous. Don't let them get into your head. Don't let anyone." I motion towards his mother sitting on a bench with her face stuck in a phone. "Stay strong, yeah?"

He smiles, gleaming down at the toy. "Thank you." He runs off to the slides, letting the toy roll along with the plastic as if it were doing actual tricks. The boy's antics make me smile as I return to the car.

"What were you doing, y/n?" Tubbo asks as he scoots over to give me room in the back seat. I sit and smooth out my black dress.

"Returning a favor," I say.

I returned the car in exchange for a lesson. He showed me what I'm doing incorrectly. Dwelling on the past, I let it consume me and take over my actions and hobbies that I used to love. I haven't drawn anything in a while. It might be time to resume the art. Maybe I'll start a new one.

It will be something new rather than the sketchings I usually do. It will be different.


Sorry for all of the confusion, I forgot to upload a really important chapter a while ago (Toy Car) and I realized tonight that I didn't actually publish it. It's kind of a big plot point. My apologies. Oopsies.

Drink water for me??? 🥺

Have a good day/night!

Your Smile - Tommyinnit x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant