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Song of the Day: Broken by Jonah Kagen


I stare at the new walls of the place I'm supposed to call home. Everything hasn't been unpacked yet, but I can do all of that tomorrow.

I pull out the crayons that Tommy gave me from my bag and take out a canvas from one of the boxes that held a small portion of my art supplies.

I set the white leather piece on my half-built desk and crayons next to it. The red crayon drags across the canvas and creates abstract lines and shapes. Next, I move to the blue crayon, creating a wave effect across various places of my workspace. Then the orange one outlines the board of the canvas.

I choose the colors carefully. Red describes my anger whilst blue represents sadness.

My anger towards the world is wrong but silent. It likes to bubble up inside of me without showing itself, I'm always unaware of it. Soon it will burst like a volcano, sending hot streaks of tears down my face. That is when the red turns into blue.

My sadness. Once the anger is gone it's filled with regret and gloominess. I don't have any family members alive anymore, I don't count Cat. My fluffy kitty will always be here, but she's old now. I won't have her for much longer, that pr at my heart too. After Cat, who do I have left?

Yellow. Friendship. I have Karl, Alex, Tubbo, and Wilbur. They're here and I'm there for them. They are more than I could ever ask for. They are the most enjoyable and enlightening group of friends I've ever had. Wilbur is always the reasonable one that gives great advice whilst Tubbo is lighthearted and loves jokes. Karl is there for hugs and he supplies us with the serotonin from his laugh. Alex is caring and is amazing with his humor. Despite his ability to remain serious in important situations, he always knows how to lighten the mood after a fight or tense problem. Then there's Tommy.

Tommy. The boy is still one hell of a mystery. I wonder what he thinks of this whole situation regarding Ashley and stuff. Does he miss her? Maybe he misses her actions, the ways she touched him. He doesn't have anyone to kiss him or place his arm around. I want to be those things.

I'll never learn my lesson. I could be told a million times to stay away from the boy. People could give me thousands of reasons why I shouldn't trust him yet the next day I'd be right back to the same spot. A few feet away from him admiring the back of his head from a distance.

He causes hallucinations now at night. I find myself longing for his touch or a snip-it of his voice. Sometimes I feel his hand in mine but when I look over I find nothing but space and air. His touch from a few hours ago still lingers on the tips of my fingers as if they were magnets wanting to connect to the opposite piece.

But right now I find myself tracing the gray crayon across the colored canvas, covering the previous colors I drew. The reds, blues, pinks, yellows, and purples vanish behind my vigorous scratches of the gray and black crayons. I continue until the only color remaining is one small spot of pink in the middle.

This is what everyone sees. They see the yellow fuzzy kind side of me, that's all they see. That's all I'll let them see. In some places, if you concentrate hard enough then you can see tints of blue or red but not pink or purple.

The black crayon acts as a barrier, holding all the other colors back from exposing their true beauty.

I hold my phone up and take a picture of the somewhat boring piece, that's how it seems at least.

I grab it and run downstairs into the kitchen past Wilbur and Tommy.

"Dinner's almost ready," Wilbur says.

I open the oven and set the filled canvas in it, setting the heat to 360.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" Tommy rushes over about to open the oven but I stop him.

"No! Watch," I say, pulling him back, pointing to the piece as the wax from the black and gray crayons melt.

Tommy watches in awe as the colors that had been previously hidden become revealed.

I smile after two minutes and take it out carefully to not burn myself. I set it on the counter to let it dry.

It's beautiful. The colors create a sunset. The blue and black act as the oncoming night sky whilst the pink, purple, red, and yellow configure the sunset. This is by far my best piece yet.

"This is a masterpiece, y/n. Did you use the crayons I gave you?" Tommy gasps.

I nod. "Yeah, they were just the right touch." I grin and push the now dried piece towards him. "And I made it for you. As a thank you."

He stares in shock down at the piece.

"A thank you for what?" He asks, laughing a little.

I shake my head and embrace him in my arms. "For everything, you have no idea how much you've helped me over the past year."

His arms wrap around my waist and I hear him release a content sigh.

After a few seconds, he releases me and looks down. I look up at him and I catch his gaze as it travels down to my lips and he licks his own. As soon as he notices I saw, he pulls away to my disappointment.

I'm left there confused and distracted.

Did he want to kiss me?


Ahaha sike there is a chapter tonight. I wrote this laying in my bed so my arm doesn't hurt :)

Water drink.

Have a good day/night!!

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