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Song of the Day: Your Power by Billie Eilish


I raised my head from Karl's shoulder and turned to face her. "Uh, sure."

A small smirk formed on her face as she guided me outside next to Alex's pool.

LED lights were strung from pole to pole changing colors every so often. The pink reflected off of the water's surface and created a show along with the windows and walls of the beach house. It was memorizing, almost hypnotizing.

Ashley set her unknown drink down on a glass table and sat on one of the fancy lounge chairs, motioning for me to sit at the one across from her.

Once I took the seat, I pretended as if she wasn't there. My eyes watched the water in awe as if rippled with the wind. I wondered if it was cold or warm. I loved to be in hot tubs or pools when it was cold outside and the pool was heated. The cold would sting my face whilst the rest of my body remained beneath the blanket of water. It was taunting, almost. If I were to step out of the calm, comforting water then I'd be accepted into the frigid cold air. I'd stay in the hot tub for hours during the winter. It was a coping method, one I wouldn't have if it weren't for Alex.

"Y/n." Ashley's thick and harsh accent pulled me from my thoughts, making me look at her.

"What's up?" I answered as casually as I could.

"You know what's up." She retorted.

I stared at her with a blank expression and shook my head. "No, I don't."

I genuinely didn't know what she brought me outside for. I had an itching idea but I wasn't going to let her win that easily.

I watched as she rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Tommy."

Of course, it was him, she always wants to pick a fight over him.

"Yeah, what about him?" I asked.

"You're around him far too much."

"Well, he's my best friend, not a stranger." Her face contorted with anger at my comment.

"A best friend with benefits." She crossed her arms and looked out to the ocean.

"With benefits?" I laughed sarcastically. "No."

Ashley focused her attention back on me rather than the sounds of the crashing ocean.

"I see the way you look at him. I know you like him too." She said as if she had the upper hand.

"And? Why is that any of your business?"

"Because he's my fucking boyfriend. Not yours. Stay away from him, he doesn't like you." She raised her voice. "You know he complains about having to drive you home every night? He comes running over to me.

Stay away from him? Her words were most likely lies but I couldn't help but let them sink in.

"What is your problem with me?" I stood up. "I've been nothing but nice to you this whole time whilst your acting all pretty over with Tommy just for his kindness. You're using him!" I yelled. She stood from the seat, taking her drink with her.

Am I the one being used? What for? A good feeling knowing that someone likes him and he can just play around with me, knowing I'll come back around?

I was a toy. When I broke I took time off to mend myself. Once I was fully healed I'd return in mink condition just to be tampered with again until eventually there would be no more room for the tape to hold all my parts together. I would become an unwanted, used toy.

"Yeah, well I know you stole that necklace from him. It was supposed to be for me!" She pointed a finger roughly at the locket I had been clutching the whole time without realizing.

"I didn't steal it from him. He gave it to me." I corrected, the anger boiling up inside of me. I wanted to punch her.

"You're a liar!"

"And you're a bitch! All you do is act so kindly around him when you're actually a stuck-up ass! Learn some fucking social skills! You want me to stay away from him? I will. Have it your way pretty girl. Have it your fucking way." I shouted.

She huffed and pushed by me, spilling her drink all over me. It reeked of spiked punch. I wanted to throw up and cry.

I stared down at my clothes that were stained from the contaminated liquid.

She wanted him all to herself. I wouldn't interfere with them anymore. At all. But they would with me.

When I brushed past the people in the party, desperate to escape the shrinking space as tears rolled down my face I spotted Tommy with his arm around her shoulder. His eyes caught mine and he frowned. I did nothing but shake my head and pull Karl aside.

"I'm leaving. Wilbur, can you take me home?" I asked, determined to get out of the party as soon as possible without causing a huge ruckus.

Wilbur examined my clothing and glanced over to Ashley sitting in the corner. I nodded to answer the unsaid question as he looked back at me.

"Of course, wait out front whilst I get my car?" He said, getting up and pulling his car keys out from his pocket.

I nodded. Karl stood as well. "Do you want me to come?"

"You better stay with Alex," I said, wiping the tears from my eyes, hoping that he was unable to see them in the dark lighting.

Karl sat back down and began to chat with Tubbo again.

I rushed to the front door and opened it allowing a big gust of air to enter the house. I ignored it and exited the house. I left the party. I left my problem.

What was the problem? Maybe it was the jealousy. Or maybe it was hurt knowing Thomas didn't love me back. I wasted months, almost a year now, trying to become something other than friends.

When someone doesn't love you back it hurts. Tommy was just there for the ride, wasn't he?

My vision only became more clouded after I shut that door to Alex's beach house. I couldn't tell a lie from the truth.

No more. No more games. No more flirting. No more talking.

No more y/n and Tommy.

The pain would vanish, right?



AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAH help. I'm so tired. But I have cookies. They have been fueling my writing.

Do you want cookies? Too bad. The only way you can get one is if you vote >:)


Have a good night/day!

Your Smile - Tommyinnit x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن