Not Me

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Song of the Day: Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Sloan 


"Oh, well I just thought I heard something last night-" He scratched the back of his neck whilst looking down. He silently waited for my answer that he wouldn't get "You know what I bet it was nothing." He sighed and walked away from the table.

I shrugged, trying my hardest not to remember the night before and only to concentrate on my drawing. It wasn't really turning out to be anything.

I huffed and crumbled up the stupid sketch as he walked away to the counter.

You can't like him anymore.

I pulled out my phone and stared down at the screen to Alex's profile buzzing and accepted the call.

"Hey." I greeted him dryly.

"Yo! I've got a party at my house this Friday if you want to come? I'm inviting a lot of people, it will be fun!" Alex exclaimed.

A party. I might as well go, it would be a good distraction.

"Yeah, sure." I replied, a bit unsure.

"Alright!" Alex cheered from the other end of the call. A small smile formed on my face from his excitement.

Alex always got hyped up about these types of things. He loved to have people over, to talk with them and goof off. He liked to be included. One of his main hobbies was gambling. He couldn't actually do it at our age but he loves gambling a few hundred dollars here or there with his friends. He tried to get me in once, but I denied the offer. I didn't understand the game.

One time he was gambling all night and forgot about his meet-up with Karl the following day. Karl ended up calling me freaked out and crying saying that Alex forgot about him and that he didn't care. Alex obviously cared, he was just stupid.

I ended up hanging out with karl instead to calm him down until we figured out where Alex had been. The poor boy had a full on panic attack before Alex actually showed up...4 hours late.

He apologized and I left to let them talk it over. I wasn't sure what happened next but Alex was never late again.

He was never alone. Alex either had Karl or me sleepover, sometimes both. I guessed that he enjoyed the company a lot.

Later on he opened up and said the last time he stopped texting someone and hanging out with them, they left. They moved away. He's afraid that it might happen again.

I gazed down at the locket around my neck. The way the gold matched with the blue flowers interlaced around the heart. I hadn't noticed the intricate design before, but not that I had it caused my heart to ache. They were my favorite flowers, Anemones.

I opened it and stared at the picture of me and Tommy. I remember when we took that picture. We were on that stupid Ferris wheel and he placed his arm around me. It was the best feeling in the world. A feeling I'll most likely never experience again. Rather, one that I shouldn't.

There was someone else for Tommy to place his arm around and smile to.

A sigh escaped my mouth from the lack of sleep I received last night due to the haunting thoughts that roamed my mind.

My eyes wandered back down to a now messy piece of paper. There was a scribbling of the picture from the locket etched onto it.

I slammed my fists down on the paper and shove the drawing into my bag roughly.

I hope it ripped.

I placed my head down on my arms and closed my eyes for a bit, hoping to receive some sleep. But that was quickly interrupted when The Hive's front door was opened and Ashley waltzed in.

I rolled my eyes at her tight outfit that consisted of a jean skirt and a dark blue crop top with a cropped fluffy jacket.

She skipped over to the counter and leaned over it to hug Tommy. I wanted to throw up from the site.

Maybe it was because I was jealous. No, I know I was jealous. Who wouldn't be?

I had to sit and watch as she sat on the counter, playing with Tommy's hair as I wanted to.

He leaned into her touch and he laughed at her stupid sentences that weren't all that funny. Her reactions were exaggerated, it made me sick to watch him fall for someone like her.

But how could I hate her? She was nice, beautiful, and she could pull the right string to drag someone in. She made Tommy happy.

I didn't...

That was when it hit me.

Ashley gave Tommy butterflies and the deep heating blush. Not me. She created the smile that I love oh so much. Not me. He loves her... Not me. 


I wish you all a good day/night. 

Ask yourself these questions:

Did I drink water today? 

Have I eaten food? 

If your answer to the questions above are no then please go eat and drink. it's important. get your sleep too. :)

Your Smile - Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now