Cinnamon bun

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hello, hello my friends. Welcome to my new book Your Smile. Unlike my other book, this one will have short chapters of around 1000-2000 words each.

No trigger warnings at the start of chapters it will ruin the element of surprise. They will be stated here.Trigger warnings: anxiety, vomiting, cursing, harassment: it's not descriptive and the scenes are very short. and death: major characters will not die.

Please take the warnings above, if any of those trigger you then please read with caution.

If any of the cc's want this book taken down then I will immediately.

I think that's it. if there's anything else I'll just say it at the end of the chapters. follow me for notifications on updates. (this book is written with the pronouns she/her btw.)

song of the day: parent song by Jeremy Zucker and Chelsea Cutler


I entered the store, my mouth instantly watering from the sweet aroma that wafted through the air. I could practically taste the delicious pastries from the door.

Quickly, my feet carried me towards the counter to look at the menu as I waited for someone to notice my presence in the bakery.

My eyes scanned over the gooey sweets that were lined carefully along the counter. They all looked so good, it was hard to decide.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat from behind the counter. They were stood there for a while whilst I drooled over the sweets.

"Oh, hah! My apologies, they all look so good." I said, scratching the back of my head and blushing slightly.

The man only smiled with a nod in return. The smile...

He was pretty. His blonde locks fell over his piercing blue eyes. In the daylight, they'd be even more stellar. He was tall too, I was only 5,5.

I consider my height to be very tall even though it wasn't compared to the giants like the cashier.

Finally, after five more minutes of daydreaming about eating each and every one of the sweets, I decided on a cinnamon roll. It was early in the morning so it acted as my breakfast.

After placing my order I walked over to one of the tables closest to the paying counter. I came to the bakery every morning and afternoon if I had the time. It was one of the places I could escape from my house and thoughts. I was able to focus just on my drawings and nothing else. Well, besides the delicious foods.

But this visit brought something else for my mind to think about. The bakery boy. He must've been new. I knew all of the workers there and they all knew me since it was part of my daily routine to come and gaze on the scrumptious treats then work for hours on a drawing.

Occasionally a worker would watch over my shoulder as I made the intricate designs on a person or landscape. They even bought some art from me. They were always kind and encouraging towards my pieces.

But that boy. He barely spoke during our interaction. It made him...interesting. Even though I knew nothing about him, I was very intrigued by his actions and movements. It wasn't often that my eyes caught someone, but when it did happen it meant something unique.

Throughout my whole life, I only had one relationship despite all of the people who asked me to dances and so on. I was never really interested. I wasn't really sure what got them to be so drawn towards me. I wouldn't say that I was hot.

I usually wore hoodies with leggings with the occasional tank top with sweatpants. I was never one for trying out new styles. I was kind of insecure about how I looked but it never really fazed me, nor did anyone seem to care. So all of the thoughts remained in my own mind, I hoped to share them one day with someone who would understand. But I didn't have anyone at the moment. I just had me and my cat.

My cat is my best friend. Her name is Cat. Yes, just Cat. I love ironic names. I named a cow Carniasada and my fish Sushi. I can find a name for anything. But Cat was by far the closest thing I had to an actual friend. She was there for me to cry on when something with my parents occurred. I could talk to her about all of my problems and she'd just listen. I didn't really care that there was never a response, I was just glad to have her there. I knew that someday she'd be gone from the earth so I savored every moment I could with her.

She was a special kitty. Whenever I was upset she'd curl in my lap and purr until I calmed down. There were nights where she'd curl into my side and purr until I fell asleep. There was something about having her warm presence there that made the whole world peaceful.

It's peaceful in the bakery. Everything about it makes me smile, whether it was the people, the food, or just the way I was able to draw for hours with no distractions. There was a distraction this time though.

The Bakery Boy kept on looking in my direction. I wasn't sure if it was from my messy hair bun or if there was something on my face but a small part of me told myself to let it slide.

So I continued to work on my drawing whilst the rain outside poured. You could hear the soft pelts of water from the roof above in the shop, it was soft.  Soon my name was called for the cinnamon roll.

"Y/n! One cinnamon bun!"

I grinned and stood from my seat and walked over to the pick-up counter, thanking the person. But before I could go back to my seat I was stopped.

"Miss! You have this too."

I turned around to find the women holding a pink lemonade. There must've been some mistake because I never drink lemonade without-

"It's sparkly pink lemonade."

I was shocked. "Oh! I don't remember ordering it."

The lady just shrugged her shoulders, holding it out to me.

I was thirsty and who would ever turn down free food?

I reluctantly took the icy drink back to my table, dumbfounded at the gesture.

If I recalled correctly, I never ordered a drink. It couldn't have been an accident either because whenever I ask for the drink they have to add the fizz to the order by physically clicking the button after clicking the pink lemonade option on the device.

I knew the bakery from the inside and out.

I glanced down at the drink and took a sip.

Good as always.

I was about to resume my drawing when I noticed a small slip of paper taped to the cup.

I frowned and took it into my hand to read it. But there was nothing to read, only a small, simple:


Your Smile - Tommyinnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now