Delivery of Confessions

Start from the beginning


When she arrived at his door though, another person answered.

"Hi!" He greeted as he beamed down at her. "I can't believe Yeosang's right. You do deliver if I do this!"

He then leaned down to grab the drone that rested down beside her feet before turning back, leaving the door open and her outside.

"Uhm... excuse me? Your order?" Gyunghui called from the bare entry way.

"Oh, come in! He'll be out in a minute," answered the same person from within.

Gyunghui was reluctant. She had not once passed the threshold of this door ever since she started delivering food. All she ever did was anticipate the moment she sees him.

Also, what woman in her right mind comes in a place that two unknown men lives in and expect nothing bad happens to her? No one.

I'd rather wait here, thanks.

Then she heard him. He bickered with the other male before hurriedly appearing by the open entry way. His wet bronze-like blonde hair was still dripping and he had an oversized sleeveless black shirt.

"S-sorry!" He bowed as he walked towards her. "I told my cousin to get the food but he just..."

For a moment, Gyunghui wondered why he suddenly looked so appealing. All he did was change his hair color and switched to summer clothes. Sure, she had always found the way his eyes seemed to lock on hers and the soft hum of his voice tickle her ears sent flutters of butterflies. But something in him changed in that one week he was out of touchㅡfor her, at least.

She came back to reality when he tugged on the food bag she was holding. She let it go and took the card that he was handing out to her. Quickly swiping it to their portable POS, Gyunghui automatically switched to her 'professional' face and smiled at him.

"So... Do you want to..?" he trailed off.

She blinked a few times, a façade smile still on her face, confused at what he was trying to say.

"Sorry, what..?"

She noticed how he slowly averted his eyes and licked his lips as he turned his face away. He was visibly cowering at her lack of attention to what he was saying.

"What happened? Did she reject you?" The other male came back, still holding the remote control of the drone, looking back and forth at them two.

"No, I didn't!" Gyunghui responded immediately which earned her a stare from both males. "He... didn't confess... or anything... right?"

"Yeosang-ah, what the hell!? She's here. Do it," urged the other male, pushing him closer to Gyunghui after snatching the food out of his hands.

"Iㅡ" His eyes darted everywhere before he looked back at her, straight into her dark ones. "I wanted us to more properly be acquainted and know about each other but as you heard, that scumbag just wanted me to do it... I..."

He took a deep breath and grabbed her hands tightly in his larger ones. Gyunghui, too, held her breath as she waited for him to finish.

"Do you want to be our travel model!?"


Her tense body relaxed and she let out a chuckle.

"Good one. Very funny." She said handing back the card and bowing. "Thank you for your patronage."

She left without looking back.

She didn't want to.

She didn't have to.

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