Chapter 57: Day 1 in Singapore

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Time: 4.30pm

Author's pov

After half an hour on the road, the gang has finally reached Mandarin Oriental. When everyone got off, they all admired the hotel lobby for a few minutes before checking in officially. The gang's room was located on the second highest floor in the hotel, the 20th floor. When the gang entered the room, they couldn't believe how big the room was.

"THIS IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!" Tuffnut yelled as he started vlogging the room.

"Wow, this sure is something after graduation." Astrid said as she looked around the room.

"I call dibs on sleeping on the sofa." Tuffnut said.

"Hey, me too." Ruffnut said.

"I won't mind sleeping with them." Snotlout said.

"I guess I'll sleep with Snotlout and the twins for now." Fishlegs said. The doorbell rang and Snotlout went to see who that was. Turns out it was housekeeping people delivering the extra beds.

"Ah, yes, you can place one next to the couch and one next to the balcony door, just try not to block the door." Snotlout instructed the housekeeping people how to put the extra beds and they did as what he said. Once the housekeeping people were done, everyone settled their stuff down and chilled in hotel room for a while before dinner.

1 hour later...

Time in Singapore: 5.30pm

Astrid's pov

It has been an hour after the gang checked in, the twins were watching tv outside in the living room, Fishlegs and Snotlout were talking, Heather was taking a nap, Hiccup was with me on the king-sized bed watching tv.

"Isn't this the best thing the gang has done." I said.

"Yeah, you know if Snotlout wasn't in our team, we would not even be here, we'd probably be at my house hanging out playing truth or dare or hide and seek." Hiccup said as I snuggled closer to Hiccup and watched tv.

"We should do this again one day." Hiccup said. "Like just the two of us." He continued.

"Maybe on our honeymoon when we're older." I said.

"Perfect." Hiccup said as he kissed me and I kissed him back. A few minutes later, Heather woke up, her hair was in a mess as she yawned.

"Should we go for dinner?" Heather asked.

"Maybe we can walk around at that mall near here and maybe we can find dinner along the way, it's too early for dinner anyways." I said.

"Awwww man, can't we stay in the room, it's so huge." Tuffnut said.

"Tuff, we're here to explore the country, not just stay in the room 24/7." Ruffnut said.

"Can we at least buy dinner back?" Tuffnut said.

"Fine, besides, we're going somewhere special for dinner tomorrow." Snotlout said as all of us exclaimed, "Where?"

"It's a secret, you'll know tomorrow so dress nicely tomorrow." Snotlout said. "Let's go see what stuff the malls in Singapore have." He continued as everyone got up and went out of the room. There were two malls near our hotel, one called Marina Square and the other Suntec City which was opposite Marina Square. We went to the closet mall Marina Square today.

"Woah, this is amazing." Tuffnut said as he looked around in the mall. The gang headed to the middle of the mall and looked around.

"Hey I think there's an arcade there." I said as I pointed at the sign which says 'Timezone'.

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