Chapter 54: Barbeque party

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Author's pov

"Hey Hiccup, since you and the gang has graduated, would you wanna invite them over in the evening for a barbeque party?" Hiccup's mom asked.

"That sounds like fun, I'll ask them." Hiccup replied as he texted his friends in their group chat.

Hiccup: Hey guys, my mom and I were planning to have a barbeque party tonight, wanna come over?

Tuffnut: Sounds fun

Ruffnut: I'm in

Astrid: Sure see ya later.

Heather, Fishlegs and Snotlout: Yeah

"Hey mom, everyone agreed instantly." Hiccup told his mother.

"They seem excited, alright go clean the house before your friends arrive." Mom ordered.

"W-what?" Hiccup said.

"Hahaha, she's joking, it's your day off anyways, I'll clean the house." Hiccup's father said as Hiccup and his family laughed. At around 6pm, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Hiccup said as he went to the front door with Toothless behind him. When Hiccup opened the door, the gang was outside.

"Hey, Toothless, my man, how have you been bud," Snotlout asked as he bent down to pet the husky.

"Well, come on in you guys." Hiccup said as he welcomed the gang into his house.

"It feels so good to be back at your house Hiccup." Snotlout said as he flopped himself onto the sofa.

"Let's play truth or dare." Tuffnut said.

"Nah, we played that game to many times already." Astrid said. "I know, we should play random dance, we'll head to the dance studio to play some music, then whatever song plays and we know the dance to the song, we well dance." She explained.

"C'mon, us boys don't know many choreographies you know." Tuffnut said.

"How about hide and seek." Ruffnut said.

"It be fun if Caroline was here, but okay." Tuffnut replied.

"Caroline who's Caroline?" Snotlout asked.

"That's my sister, you'll meet her one day probably." Astrid said.

"I think I know who she is, I saw her on graduation day just now when we split ways." Snotlout said. "Only her back though, not her face." He continued.

"We'll play hide and seek for a while then we'll start the barbeque party." Hiccup said and everyone agreed.

"You guys wanna team up like last time." Heather asked.

"Yeah, let's do it." Astrid said. "Alright Snolout, count till 20." She continued.

"Okay, 1, 2, 3, 4..." Snotlout started counting as everyone started hiding. The new couple Heather and Fishlegs hid in the guest room on the second floor, Hiccup and Astrid hid in Hiccup's room again and the twins hid in Hiccup's gaming room.

"18, 19, 20, alright, where are you guys." Snotlout said as he searched around the house.

Heather and Fishlegs's pov

"Alright, where are you guys." Both of them could hear Snotlout from the first floor.

"God, why did I choose to hide here." Heather said.

"Hey, it's alright, it's only a game anyways." Fishlegs said, comforting Heather as they hid on the right side of the bed.

"Hello, is there anyone there?" Snotlout said as he opened the door to the guest bedroom where Heather and Fishlegs were hiding. After searching for a good 5 minutes, Snotlout finally found them.

9 years later( a modern httyd story)|| editedWhere stories live. Discover now