Chapter 13: Exciting news

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Hiccup's pov

As always, I was the first one to wake up so that I could walk to school with Astrid. Today's weather was rather chilly in Berk so I decided to wear my favorite hoodie to school. Toothless was still sleeping so I pat him on the head before leaving for Astrid's house.

Astrid's pov

I woke up with a missed video call from Hiccup yesterday. Worried, I thought, 'Oh no, hopefully he isn't mad at me.' I then got out of bed and got ready for school. Today's weather was cold so I wore a turtle neck top with my favorite pair of jeans and a longer cardigan. When I was ready, I grabbed my bag, slipped on my high heeled boots as I walked down for breakfast. A while later, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Mom said as she opened the door and saw Hiccup.

"Hi Hiccup, would you want to join us for breakfast?" Mom offered.

"It's alright Mrs Hofferson, I ate just now. I'm just here to pick Astrid up." Hiccup replied. I grabbed the slice of toast I was in the middle of eating and left the house with Hiccup.

"Hey, why don't you finish you're breakfast first." Hiccup said.

"Nah, it's fine, I'm about to finish it anyways." I replied with my mouth full.

~Time skip to lunch~

After buying a cup of hot chocolate, I went to the usual place where the gang always sat and surprisingly, only Heather and Fishlegs were sitting there.

"Hey guys, Heather, Where's Dagur?" I asked as I sat down.

"Hey Astrid, Dagur had to stay back-"

"Hey sister. Hey Astrid." Dagur suddenly came up from behind Heather and said. Frustrated and angry, Heather stood up and punched Dagur on the shoulder.

"Still got my signature move huh." I said, remembering how I used to punch Hiccup on the shoulder before we started dating, or anyone else I always did that to.

"Hey guys, what did I miss?" Hiccup asked as he sat down next to me.

"Oh nothing much. Wait a minute, is that a rainbow layered cake?" I exclaimed.

"Sure it is, I'll share it with you." Hiccup said.

"Awwww, that's so sweet Hiccup." Fishlegs commented.

"Astrid, I love your outfit today, definitely the fashionista of Berk High." Heather commented on my outfit. Suddenly, the twins came up to the table, holding some papers in their hands.

"Guys, guess what?" Tuffnut asked.

"You're adopting all the chickens in the school farm." Heather replied, not amused at all.

"Even better, especially Astrid, she definitely knows this place at the back of her mind." Tuffnut said.

"What, what is it Tuff?" I asked.

"We're going for a 3 days 2 night stay at Out-Cast Village next month." Tuffnut replied as my eyes widened.

'My old home, I can't believe I'm visiting again.' I thought.

"And they're having a talent show on the second night at Out-Cast Village and we need at least one person to represent our class." Ruffnut added. Suddenly, everyone turned towards me.

"Woah, woah, woah, there's no way I am gonna sign up for that talent show, I'm not dancing." I strongly objected. Heather then placed her hand on my shoulder and said, "What if I signed up with you."

"Deal." I said. "Well, we should all head back to class for out next lesson." I continued as everyone got up from their seats and walked back to class.

Back in class...

"Alright class, as you all know your exams are coming soon and most of you feel stressed. So the teachers decided to host a 3 day 2 night trip to Out-Cast Village. All necessities needed are stated in the consent form and if you want to sign up for a talent show happening on the second night, come to my desk to sign up for it after school." The teacher announced as the whole class started cheering and clapping as we were all excited for the trip. Once I heard the announcement, Heather and I went up to the teacher's table to sign up for the talent show.

~Time skip to after school at Hiccup's house~

Hiccup's pov

When I finished showering, I could hear my phone vibrate from my bedroom. I went to my table to check who texted me and it was Astrid.

Astrid: Hey Hiccup, heard your house has a huge area suitable to dance, mind if Heather and I come over to practice for the talent show?

Hiccup: Sure, see you later :)

"Mom, Dad, Astrid and her friend is coming over to practice their dance for a talent show." I yelled from my room, accidentally waking Toothless, who was taking his afternoon nap in my room as he started barking.

"Oops, sorry bud." I apologized as I pat his head until he fell asleep again

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang as Toothless ran towards the front door and started barking. I walked behind Toothless and opened the door to find Heather and Astrid standing. Toothless pounced onto Astrid then Heather.

"So nice to see you again Astrid. And you are..." Mom asked.

"I'm Heather, Astrid's dance partner for the talent show and best friend. Pleasure to meet you Mrs Haddock." Heather said.

"Call me Valka dear, no need to be formal." Mom smiled as I led Astrid and Heather to the huge area in my house for both of them to practice.

"I'm gonna get Starbucks, you girls want anything?" I asked.

"My usual is fine." Astrid replied.

"An iced white latte for me is fine, thanks Hiccup." Heather said.

Astrid's pov

"So, what song do you want to dance to. I was thinking of one which I have mastered." I started as I put down my bag.

"Let's say the song we have in our mind in 3, 2, 1"

"O.O by NMIXX." Heather and I said at the same time.

"No way, we just read each other's minds" Heather squealed.

"I know right, it's like we are literally best friends." I said.

"Alright, let's do it." Heather said as we exchanged a handshake and we started dancing. Halfway through our practice, Hiccup came back with our drinks.

Hiccup's pov

When I stepped into the studio, both Heather and Astrid were dancing and I can tell that they were working super hard trying to master the choreography. There were a few times where one of them messed up but they persevered and managed to do one time with very little mistakes.

"Oh hey, your back already." Astrid said, sweat dripping of her face. I came up to her with a towel and started wiping off her sweat.

"Thanks." Astrid thanked as she took the towel from my hand and wiped her own sweat. Heather on the other hand sneakily whipped out her phone and started recording us and snapped a few pictures.

"Awwwww, you two look so cute together." Heather squealed as she took a rest and had a sip of her iced white latte.

"Heather, don't even think about posting those." Astrid glared at her.

"Fine, fine, I won't. Don't worry." She said. After resting for a while Heather got up and said, "I have to go now, I'll see you two tomorrow." She grabbed her bag and left.

"Why did you bring your school bag here, are you staying over tonight?" I asked after I noticed Astrid's school bag.

"Yeah, my parents just wanted me to stay over for no real reason." Astrid replied. "And I'll be staying over a day before we go to Out-Cast Village." She continued.

"Anyways, I'm gonna shower now, I'm so drenched right now." She said as she grabbed her necessities and went to the bathroom to take a shower. 

9 years later( a modern httyd story)|| editedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя